Zip Code Data and Locations in Microsoft Access Tables
Total ZipCode Database includes two Microsoft Access formats: Access 2000 (which can also be used by
Access 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016) and Access 97. The database includes the following items:
- A table with the list of every zip code and its acceptable city name, state abbreviation, county number,
county name, which one is the primary one, latitude and longitude
- A table with the list of zip codes and just the primary city and state
- A table with a list of all countries
- A table with a list of state abbreviations and names for the US, Canada, Mexico, and Australia
- A sample Access form and class library with open source code showing how to automatically fill the city
and state when the zip code is entered or changed
With the zip code table, you can easily create forms that automatically fill the city and state names when the zip code
is entered, and also allow users to select non-primary city names.