Finishing Code Cleanup

After you Run Code Cleanup, the following form appears:

Finishing Code Cleanup

Note that the code in your project has not been modified yet. This form lets you verify the changes you are about to make. From here you can:

  • View Messages about the changes that were made.
  • Preview the proposed code changes before they are applied to your project, so you can decide whether or not to modify your module code.
  • Finish the process by updating your code with the cleaned code.

Preview the Code:

Press the [Preview] button to preview the code changes. A form appears that shows both the original and modified versions of the code. Use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the form to move through the modules and procedures.

Apply the Changes:

If no unexpected errors have occurred, you are ready to apply the changes. Before you press [Finish]:

  • No changes have been made to your code.
  • All modified code is stored in tables in the Total Visual CodeTools temporary directory.

Pressing the [Finish] button invokes the final phase:

  • Your code is replaced by the modified code.
  • Your database is closed and re-opened.

Cleanup Results...