Interview management software for Harvard college applicants Harvard Club of Washington DC

After many years of interviewing candidates for Harvard, FMS was pleased to help the Washington DC Harvard Club Schools Committee create an automated system to assist with the process.

As the owner of a software development firm creating Windows and web solutions (located in Tysons Corner, Virginia), I learned the complex and manual process the schools committee endured to manage the hundreds of interviews each year. In conjunction with committee chairs Betsy Wanger and Tom Karr, my team created the web site you are using.

Rather than having a large number of emails fly around assigning students to interviewers, then verifying their acceptance and steps throughout the process, a web based system is now in place to:

  • Streamline the process of gathering data
  • Store and assign candidates provided by Cambridge
  • Match candidates to interviewers while spreading the workload geographically
  • Send personalized emails to notify each interviewer of his or her candidates
  • Allow interviewers a secure way to view candidates and accept or reject them
  • Provide a simplified way to reassign students to new interviewers
  • Upload the local interview worksheet for each candidate.

We hope you like the solution. We created the solution for the Harvard Schools Committee in 2008, and it has evolved over time. We welcome your suggestions for improvements and can be reached at 703-356-4700.

Happy Interviewing, and may all your candidates be accepted!

Luke Chung
Harvard '85

P.S. For the technically inclined: the website is built on Microsoft Visual Studio .NET in C# with a Microsoft SQL Server database. Microsoft Access and our Total Access Emailer product are used to send the personalized emails for your candidates.

If you or your colleagues ever need a similar solution for a website or Windows desktop, please feel free to contact me. I am always happy to help people improve their productivity and processes.

Why Choose FMS?

Founded in 1986, FMS is a privately held, small business. Our clients include businesses of all sizes, non-profits, and local and federal government agencies. Our developers serve many local clients in the Mid-Atlantic, Washington DC metropolitan area. We also have clients across the country from California to Massachusetts, and Alaska to Florida, in addition to our international clients. Many of our custom solutions are deployed around the world with language localization support.

Risk Free Assessment

With our experience, extensive code library, and tested processes, FMS offers great solutions at very competitive prices. Email or call us at 703-356-4700 to learn more about our consulting services and how our staff of full-time professionals can help you. FMS is located in Tysons Corner in Northern Virginia, just outside of Washington, DC.