Total Access Startup Launcher

This is an example of the files that are put in the folder for your users:

Total Access Startup Distribution Files
Example of Files in the Distribution Folder

Your users only need to run the "AccessApp" shortcut, which you can email to them. The other files are:

  • Access.ico: icon file to give an icon for your shortcut (optional)

  • App.ini: settings file you created from the Administrator program

  • Localize.ini: to change/translate the messages your user sees (optional)

  • TAStart.exe: The Total Access Startup program called by the shortcut to launch your database and perform the tasks you've specified

  • TAStart64.exe: The Total Access Startup program to handle 64-bit versions of Access

The Launcher has no dependencies and does not require your users to have anything installed on their machine other than the right version of Access.

The folder can contain many shortcuts with their corresponding application INI file and icon, all using the same TAStart.exe file.