Here are some of our resources to help you better understand and use Microsoft Access during design, development, deployment, and maintenance.
Not sure when to use Microsoft Access? Wonder how Microsoft Access should fit in your organization? Here are a few resources to help you understand, justify, and position Microsoft Access to maximize its value:
Total Access Emailer 2022
Email Everyone in Your Access List!
Total Visual Agent 2021
Automate Access Database Chores!
Updated Microsoft Access to SQL Server Upsizing Center with whitepapers, resources, and SQL Server Express Downloads
FMS offers 12 products specifically designed for Microsoft Access.
These products are particularly important for Microsoft Access developers and sure to increase the quality of your development:
For automated analysis of your databases, check out our Total Access Analyzer program which is designed to examine every object in your database in detail, provide documentation to help you understand what's in it, how the objects interact, and offer suggestions for applying Microsoft Access Best Practices. It finds hundreds of types of errors, suggestions, and performance tips specific to your database objects.
During development if you have multiple copies, multiple developers, or other users making changes, differences occur and need to be tracked down. Total Access Detective compares any two MS Access databases or two objects for differences. Find exactly what changed with properties, fields, controls, lines of macro and module code, and even data between tables or queries.
Why write all the code yourself? Get our Total Visual SourceBook code library with 100,000+ royalty-free lines of code you can insert into your Access, Office/VBA and VB6 projects. Written exclusively for this professional code library, there's code you won't find anywhere else.
More info on Microsoft Access module code.
If you want to write better VBA code and do it in less time, learn about our Total Visual CodeTools program which works with Access, Office, and VB6. Total Visual CodeTools includes code builders, tools to standardize existing code (indentations, variable names, adds error handling, etc.), and tools for you to deliver more robust solutions. Learn more about our Microsoft Access coding tools.
These products are also part of our suites:
Strategic Overview
Microsoft Access within an Organization's Database Strategy
How many simultaneous Microsoft Access users?
Blaming Microsoft Access instead of the Developer
Microsoft Access Version Feature Differences
Microsoft Access Versions, Service Packs and Updates
Microsoft Office 365 Access Update Version Releases
Taking Over Legacy MS Access Databases
Winner of Every Best Access Add-in Award
Set AutoNumber Starting Number Other than 1
Avoid Unnecessary or Duplicate Indexes
Copy Command Button and Keep Picture
Module VBA to Forms and Controls
Subform Reference to Control Rather than Field
Suppress Page Headers and Footers on the First Page of Your Report
Annual Monthly Crosstab Columns
Add Buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar
Collapse the Office Ribbon for more space
Avoid Exits in the Body of a Procedure
Send Emails with DoCmd.SendObject
Error Handling and Debugging Techniques
Error Number and Description Reference
Remote Desktop Connection Setup
Terminal Services and RemoteApp Deployment
Missing Package & Deployment Wizard
Remove 'Save to SharePoint Site' Prompt from an Access Database
Class Not Registered Run-time Error -2147221164
Microsoft Access to SQL Server Upsizing Center
When and How to Upsize Access to SQL Server
SQL Server Express Versions and Downloads
Deploying MS Access Linked to SQL Azure
SQL Server Azure Usage and DTU Limits