Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the modModules module. |
CompileAllModules | Procedure | Compiles all the modules in the project and saves it. |
GetModuleLines | Procedure | Get all the lines of a module. |
GetAllProcedureLines | Procedure | Get the lines of all procedures in a module. |
IsModuleClass | Procedure | Determine if a module is a class or standard module (not used for form or report modules which are always classes). |
GetProcedureLines | Procedure | Get all the lines for a procedure. |
GetPropertyLines | Procedure | Get all the lines for a property. |
GoToModuleProc | Procedure | Open the named module and places the cursor at the beginning of the specified procedure. |
ModuleNamesToArray | Procedure | Loads an array with names of all modules. |
ModuleNamesToArrayExternal | Procedure | Loads an array with names of all modules from an external database. |
ModuleNamesToString | Procedure | Populate a string with names of all modules. |
ModuleNamesToStringExternal | Procedure | Loads an array with names of all modules from an external database. |
ProcedureNamesToArray | Procedure | Retrieves the list of procedure names from a module, form or report, and assigns it to an array. |
ReplaceModuleText | Procedure | Searches and replaces all the specified text in the specified module or procedure. |
SaveModuleToFile | Procedure | Save the module text to a file. |
KillFile | Procedure | Delete the named file, handling errors if the file does not exist. |
' Example of modModules ' ' To use this example, create a new module and paste this code into it. ' Then run the procedures by putting the cursor in the procedure and pressing: ' F5 to run it, or ' F8 to step through it line-by-line (see the Debug menu for more options) Private Sub Example_modModules() ' Comments: Example of using the modModules modules to work with Microsoft Access database modules in Access VBA. ' Name of a module in the current database Const cstrModule As String = "modModules" ' Name of a procedure in the module Const cstrProcedure As String = "IsModuleClass" Dim astrNames() As String Dim aintKind() As vbext_ProcKind Dim astrCode() As String Dim strNames As String Dim intProcs As Integer Dim intCount As Integer Dim intCounter As Integer ' Example of CompileAllModules Debug.Print "Compiling all modules..." If CompileAllModules Then Debug.Print "Modules compiled." Else Debug.Print "Modules could not be compiled." End If ' Example of GetAllProcedureLines intProcs = GetAllProcedureLines(acModule, cstrModule, astrNames, aintKind, astrCode) Debug.Print intProcs & " procedures: " & vbCrLf & "-----------------------------------" For intCounter = 0 To intProcs - 1 Debug.Print astrNames(intCounter) & " (type " & aintKind(intCounter) & ") : " & _ Left$(astrCode(intCounter), 25) & "..." Next intCounter ' Example of GetModuleLines Debug.Print "Module code: " & vbCrLf & "-----------------------------------" Debug.Print GetModuleLines(acModule, cstrModule) ' Example of GetProcedureLines Debug.Print "Proc code: " & vbCrLf & "-----------------------------------" Debug.Print GetProcedureLines(acModule, cstrModule, cstrProcedure) ' Example of GotoModuleProc Debug.Print "Opening " & cstrModule & "." & cstrProcedure GoToModuleProc acModule, cstrModule, cstrProcedure ' Example of IsModuleClass If IsModuleClass(cstrModule) Then Debug.Print cstrModule & " is a class." Else Debug.Print cstrModule & " is NOT a class." End If ' Example of ModuleNamesToArray intCount = ModuleNamesToArray(astrNames) Debug.Print "First 3 module names in this database:" For intCounter = 1 To 3 Debug.Print intCounter & ": " & astrNames(intCounter - 1) Next intCounter ' Example of ModuleNamesToString intCount = ModuleNamesToString(strNames, ";") Debug.Print intCount & " modules in this database: " & strNames End Sub Private Sub TestExternalDatabase() ' Comments: Example of using the modModules modules to work with Microsoft Access database modules in another database Const cstrSample As String = "C:\Total Visual SourceBook 2013\Samples\sample.mdb" Dim intCount As Integer Dim astrNames() As String Dim strModule As String Dim strNames As String Dim intCounter As Integer Dim strProcedure As String If cstrSample <> CurrentProject.FullName Then ' Example of ModuleNamesToArrayExternal intCount = ModuleNamesToArrayExternal(cstrSample, astrNames) ' Save first module name strModule = astrNames(0) Debug.Print "First module in " & cstrSample & ": " & strModule If intCount > 0 Then ' Example of ModuleNamesToStringExternal intCount = ModuleNamesToStringExternal(cstrSample, strNames, ";") Debug.Print intCount & " modules in " & cstrSample & ": " & strNames ' Example of ProcedureNamesToArray intCount = ProcedureNamesToArray(acModule, strModule, astrNames) Debug.Print "Procedure Names:" For intCounter = 1 To intCount Debug.Print intCounter & ": " & astrNames(intCounter - 1) Next intCounter ' Get last procedure name strProcedure = astrNames(intCount - 1) ' Example of ReplaceModuleText If ReplaceModuleText(acModule, strModule, strProcedure, "True", "TRUE", True) Then Debug.Print "Text Changed." Else Debug.Print "Text could not be changed." End If Else MsgBox "No modules found" End If Else MsgBox "Cannot perform these module tasks on the same database. Set cstrSample to an external database." End If End Sub
The source code in Total Visual Sourcebook includes modules and classes for Microsoft Access, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), and Visual Basic
for Applications (VBA) developers. Easily add this professionally written, tested, and documented royalty-free code into your applications to simplify your application
development efforts.
Total Visual SourceBook is written for the needs of a developer using a source code library covering the many challenges you face. Countless developers over the years have told us they learned some or much of their development skills and tricks from our code. You can too!
Supports Access/Office 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007, and Visual Basic 6.0!
"The code is exactly how I would like to write code and the algorithms used are very efficient and well-documented."
Van T. Dinh, Microsoft MVP