Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the modJetTableInfo module. |
IsTableField | Procedure | Determine if the field in the table in the specified database exists. |
IsRecordsetField_DAO | Procedure | Determine if a field exists in a recordset. |
IsTable | Procedure | Determine if the table in the specified database exists. |
IsTableOrQuery | Procedure | Determine if name is a table or query within the specified database. |
IsSytemTable | Procedure | Determine if the table in the specified database is a system table. |
IsTableLinked | Procedure | Determine if the table in a named database is a linked table. |
LinkedTableDatabase | Procedure | Determine the linked database for a table in a named database. |
LinkedTableSource | Procedure | Retrieve a linked table's actual table name from its linked back-end database. Usually the table is the same name, but it may be different. |
TableFieldDescription | Procedure | Get the description for a field from a table in the specified database. The description property does not exist if a description hasn't been assigned. |
TableFieldType | Procedure | Get the field type ID for a field from a table in the specified database. The description property does not exist if a description hasn't been assigned. |
TableFieldsToArray | Procedure | Populate an array with a list of fields in a table. |
TableFieldsToArrays | Procedure | Populate three arrays with a list of fields, types, and descriptions from a table. |
TableFieldsToString | Procedure | Populate a string with a delimited list of fields in a table from an existing database object. |
TableType | Procedure | Retrieve the table's linked type. |
FieldTypeString | Procedure | Convert a field type ID (number) to a string. |
IsTableFieldRichText | Procedure | Determine if the Format property of a memo field is set to Rich Text. In Microsoft Office Access 2007 or later, you can store rich formatted text in a database. Do this by using a memo field and setting the field's TextFormat property to RichText. You can apply formatting to all or part of the contents of the field by editing the field through a bound control in a form, or when the field is displayed in a datasheet. You can also apply formatting to all of a field when viewing a report in Layout View. |
TableIndexesToArray | Procedure | Fills an array with a list of indexes for a table. |
TableIndexesToString | Procedure | Create a string with a list of indexes for a table. |
IndexFieldsToArray | Procedure | Fills an array with a list of fields in an index. |
IndexFieldsToString | Procedure | Populate a string with a delimited list of fields in an index. |
GetColumnHistory | Procedure | In Access ACCDB format databases, the AppendOnly property for Memo fields allows you to store a history of the changes (set AppendOnly = Yes to collect column history). This code returns the ColumnHistory for the specified Memo field. |
' Example of modJetTableInfo ' ' To try this example, do the following: ' 1. Create a new user form in your project. ' 2. Add the following command buttons to the form: ' cmdTestTable ' cmdTestField ' cmdTestIndex ' 3. Paste this code into the form's module ' 4. Adjust the value of mcstrTable to the name of a table in the current database, ' or import the Categories table from Sample.mdb (in the Total Visual SourceBook sample directory) ' 5. Run the form, and click the buttons to test the procedures in modJetTableInfo. Watch the Debug (or Immediate) window for the output. Private Const mcstrTable As String = "Categories" Private Sub cmdTestTable_Click() ' Comments: Examples of table procedures ' Test TableType Debug.Print "Table type: " & TableType(CurrentDb, mcstrTable) ' Test IsTable If IsTable(CurrentDb, mcstrTable) Then Debug.Print mcstrTable & " IS a table." Else Debug.Print mcstrTable & " IS NOT a table." End If ' Test IsTableOrQuery If IsTableOrQuery(CurrentDb, mcstrTable) Then Debug.Print mcstrTable & " IS a table or a query." Else Debug.Print mcstrTable & " IS NOT a table or a query." End If ' Test IsSystemTable If IsSytemTable(CurrentDb, mcstrTable) Then Debug.Print mcstrTable & " IS a system table." Else Debug.Print mcstrTable & " IS NOT a system table." End If ' Test IsTableLinked, LinkedTableDatabase, and LinkedTableSource If IsTableLinked(CurrentDb, mcstrTable) Then Debug.Print mcstrTable & " IS linked from " & LinkedTableSource(CurrentDb, mcstrTable) Debug.Print " in: " & LinkedTableDatabase(CurrentDb, mcstrTable) Else Debug.Print mcstrTable & " IS NOT linked." End If End Sub Private Sub cmdTestField_Click() ' Comments: Examples of table field procedures Dim astrFields() As String Dim astrType() As String Dim astrDesc() As String Dim strFields As String Dim intFields As Integer Dim lngType As Integer Dim x As Integer ' See if a field exists in a table If IsTableField(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, "dummy") Then Debug.Print "Field was found" Else Debug.Print "Field was not found" End If ' TableFieldsToArray: Populates an array with a list of fields in a table intFields = TableFieldsToArray(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, False, astrFields) ' TableFieldType: Returns the field type ID for a field from a table in the specified database ' TableFieldDescription: Returns the description for a field from a table in the specified database ' IsTableFieldRichText: Determines if the Format property of a memo field is set to Rich Text. For 2007 only. For x = 0 To UBound(astrFields) lngType = TableFieldType(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, astrFields(x)) Debug.Print x + 1, astrFields(x) & vbCrLf & _ " TypeID: " & lngType & vbCrLf & _ " Desc: " & TableFieldDescription(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, astrFields(x)) ' If it's a Memo field (type 12), check if the format is Rich Text. If lngType = 12 Then Debug.Print " RichText: " & IsTableFieldRichText(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, astrFields(x)) End If Debug.Print vbCrLf Next x ' TableFieldsToArrays: Populates three arrays with a list of fields, types, and descriptions from a table intFields = TableFieldsToArrays(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, astrFields, astrType, astrDesc) If intFields > 0 Then For x = 0 To UBound(astrFields) Debug.Print x + 1, astrFields(x), astrType(x), astrDesc(x) Next x End If ' TableFieldsToString: Populates a string with a delimited list of fields in a table from an existing database object intFields = TableFieldsToString(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, ";", True, strFields) Debug.Print vbCrLf & strFields & vbCrLf ' FieldTypeString: Convert a field type ID (number) to a string Debug.Print CurrentDb.TableDefs(mcstrTable).Fields(0).name & " is a " & _ FieldTypeString(CurrentDb.TableDefs(mcstrTable).Fields(0).Type, CurrentDb.TableDefs(mcstrTable).Fields(0).Attributes) & " field." End Sub Private Sub cmdTestIndex_Click() ' Comments: Examples of table index procedures Dim astrIndexes() As String Dim astrFields() As String Dim strNames As String Dim intFields As Integer Dim x As Integer Dim strIndexes As String Dim intCount As Integer Dim intCounter As Integer ' TableIndexesToArrayTest: Fills an array with a list of indexes for a table intFields = TableIndexesToArray(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, astrIndexes) For x = 0 To (intFields - 1) Debug.Print x + 1, astrIndexes(x) Next x ' TableIndexesToString: Creates a string with a list of indexes for a table intFields = TableIndexesToString(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, ";", strIndexes) Debug.Print strIndexes ' Example of IndexFieldsToArray intCount = IndexFieldsToArray(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, "PrimaryKey", astrFields) For intCounter = 0 To intCount - 1 Debug.Print "Index field " & intCounter & ": " & astrFields(intCounter) Next intCounter ' Example of IndexFieldsToString intCount = IndexFieldsToString(CurrentDb, mcstrTable, "PrimaryKey", ";", strNames) Debug.Print "Fields in PrimaryKey of Order Details: " & strNames End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ' Comments: Setup controls With Me.cmdTestTable .Caption = "Test Table Procs" .Top = 500 .Left = 250 .Width = 4000 End With With Me.cmdTestField .Caption = "Test Table Field Procs" .Top = 1000 .Left = 250 .Width = 4000 End With With Me.cmdTestIndex .Caption = "Test Table Index Procs" .Top = 1500 .Left = 250 .Width = 4000 End With End Sub
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