Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the modFileDisk module. |
AddLineNumbersToFile | Procedure | Add line numbers to a text file. |
AppendToTextFile | Procedure | Append the supplied string to the named text file. |
CountLinesInTextFile | Procedure | Count the number of line in a text file. |
CopyDirectory | Procedure | Copy all the files from one directory (folder) to another. Note: Does not copy files in sub-directories. |
CopyFile | Procedure | Copy one file. |
CreateFileFromText | Procedure | Create (save) a file containing the text you provide, overwriting the file if it already exists. |
IsFolder | Procedure | Determine if a folder exists as specified from a drive letter (e.g. C:\Folder). This procedure is identical to DirectoryExists, but provided if you prefer to use Folder rather than Directory. |
IsFile | Procedure | Determine if a file name exists. This also returns TRUE if the file is a folder with trailing slash containing at least one file, but use IsFolder instead to check if a directory name exists. This procedure is identical to FileExists, but provided as an alternative name. |
DirectoryExists | Procedure | Determine if a directory exists as specified by drive letter (e.g. C:\Directory). This procedure is identical to FolderExists, but provided if you prefer to use Directory rather than Folder. |
DirectoryExistsUNC | Procedure | Determine if a folder (directory) exists including references to universal naming convention (UNC) folders. |
DriveExists | Procedure | Determine if a drive letter exists. |
AvailableDrives | Procedure | Determine which drives are currently available. |
DirectoriesToArray | Procedure | Populate the passed array with a list of directories in the specified directory (folder); does not include subfolders. |
DirectoriesToArrayRecursive | Procedure | Recursively populate the passed array with a list of folders in the specified folder plus all its subfolders. |
FileExists | Procedure | Determine if a file name exists. This also returns TRUE if the file is a folder with trailing slash containing at least one file. Use DirectoryExists instead to check if a directory name exists. |
FilesToArray | Procedure | Populate the passed array with a list of files in the specified directory. |
FilesInSubFoldersToArray | Procedure | Create a list of all files with their full path in the specified folder (directory) and all its subfolders. |
FilesToArrayRecursive | Procedure | Recursively populate the passed array with a list of files in the specified folder plus all its subfolders. |
GetFileName | Procedure | Get the name and extension of a file name by removing the drive and folder path. |
GetFileNameNoExt | Procedure | Get the name of a file without the path or extension. |
GetFullFileNameNoExt | Procedure | Get the name of a file and its path without the extension. |
GetFileExtension | Procedure | Get the extension of a file (the text after the last period). |
GetFilePath | Procedure | Get the folder path part of a string. |
GetNextFileName | Procedure | Generate a new file name that doesn't exist by incrementing the suggested file name until a new one is found. |
IsAttributeSet | Procedure | Determine if the specified attribute is set on the specified file. |
KillFile | Procedure | Delete the named file, handling errors if the file does not exist (same as DeleteFile but provided with a similar name). |
DeleteFile | Procedure | Delete the named file, handling errors if the file does not exist (same as KillFile but provided with a similar name). |
DeleteFolderFiles | Procedure | Delete all the files (with or without a mask) in a folder. Does not modify subfolders and does not delete the folder. |
DeleteFolderSubfolder | Procedure | Delete all the files in a folder without deleting the folder. Optionally delete subfolders or specific file types. |
DeleteEmptyFolder | Procedure | Delete an empty folder. |
DeleteFolder | Procedure | Delete a folder and all its contents. |
MakeFolder | Procedure | Create a folder (directory) if it doesn't already exist. The folder must be in a folder that already exists. |
MakeSubFolders | Procedure | Create a folder (directory) and subfolders if it doesn't already exist. This is improves upon the basic MkDir command which only creates folders in a folder that already exists. |
MoveFile | Procedure | Move the specified file to a new destination. If you use the VBA/VB6 Name function with the same file name for the source and destination arguments, but specify a different directory, the Name function actually moves the file. This procedure uses that behavior to move a file. Note that the destination file must not already exist. Use the FileExists function to determine if the file referenced by strDestination already exists. If so, delete it with the KillFile function. |
ParsePath | Procedure | Parses the passed full path into its component parts. |
PurgeFile | Procedure | Replace a file's contents with space characters for security before deleting it. When you a delete a DOS file (with the Kill command, or though the operating system or the DOS DEL command), its contents are not removed from the disk. Instead, the file is marked as deleted, and the contents remain on the disk until the space is needed by other files. This can lead to a potential security problem. To solve this, you must fill the file with blank contents, and the delete it. This function accomplishes that process. |
ReadFileContents | Procedure | Open the named file and returns its contents as a variant. |
ReadFileBytes | Procedure | Retrieve the specified number of bytes from a file (can be any type of file including binary and text files). |
ReadFileText | Procedure | Read the specified number of characters from a text file. |
ReadTextFileToArray | Procedure | Read a text file into an array of strings. |
RenameFile | Procedure | Rename a file or directory (folder). |
SetFileAttributes | Procedure | Set the specified attributes on the specified file. |
GetFileSizeSimple | Procedure | Get the size of the specified file in bytes without using Windows API calls. |
' Example of modFileDisk ' ' To use this example, create a new module and paste this code into it. ' Then run the procedure by putting the cursor in the procedure and pressing: ' F5 to run it, or ' F8 to step through it line-by-line (see the Debug menu for more options) ' This example assumes that the sample files are located in the folder named by the following constant. Private Const mcstrSamplePath As String = "C:\Total Visual SourceBook 2013\Samples\" Private Sub Example_modFileDisk() ' Comments: Examples of using the features of module modFileDisk for managing files in VBA and VB6. Const cstrNewFile As String = mcstrSamplePath & "NEWFILE.TXT" Const cstrTestFile As String = mcstrSamplePath & "TESTFILE.TXT" Const cstrReadFile As String = mcstrSamplePath & "TESTREADFILE.TXT" Const cstrNoLineNums As String = mcstrSamplePath & "NOLINENUMS.TXT" Const cstrLineNums As String = mcstrSamplePath & "LINENUMS.TXT" Const cstrDestDir As String = mcstrSamplePath & "DESTDIR" Const cstrSourceDir As String = mcstrSamplePath & "SOURCEDIR" Const cstrMoveDir As String = mcstrSamplePath & "SAMPLEMOVEDIR\" Const cintMaxLines As Integer = 10 Dim fOK As Boolean Dim fAttribute As Boolean Dim strDrive As String Dim strPath As String Dim strFileName As String Dim strExtension As String Dim strMsg As String Dim abytIn() As Byte Dim astrFiles() As String Dim varTmp As Variant Dim intFiles As Integer Dim intCount As Integer Dim intCounter As Integer Dim lngBytes As Long Dim astrLines() As String If IsFolder(mcstrSamplePath) Then ' Only proceed if the root folder for these examples exist ' --------------------------------------------------- ' Clean up files from previous runs of the example code If DeleteFile(cstrNewFile) Then Debug.Print "File deleted: " & cstrNewFile Else Debug.Print "File not deleted: " & cstrNewFile End If If DeleteFile(cstrLineNums) Then Debug.Print "File deleted: " & cstrLineNums Else Debug.Print "File not deleted: " & cstrLineNums End If ' Delete the files in the folder without deleting the folder If DeleteFolderFiles(cstrDestDir) Then Debug.Print "Files deleted from " & cstrDestDir Else Debug.Print "Files were not deleted from " & cstrDestDir End If ' Delete the files in the folder and any subfolders without deleting the folder If DeleteFolderSubfolder(cstrMoveDir, True, True, False) Then Debug.Print "Files and subfolders deleted from " & cstrMoveDir Else Debug.Print "Files and subfolders not deleted from " & cstrMoveDir End If ' --------------------------------------------------- ' Test the AppendToTextFile procedure fOK = AppendToTextFile(cstrTestFile, "This is some test text to append.") Debug.Print "AppendToTextFile(): returned " & fOK ' Copy the contents of one directory to another intFiles = CopyDirectory(cstrSourceDir, cstrDestDir) Debug.Print "CopyDirectory() copied " & intFiles & " files." ' Copy a file fOK = CopyFile(cstrTestFile, cstrNewFile) Debug.Print "CopyFile(): returned: " & fOK ' See if a server folder exists If DirectoryExistsUNC("\\folder\common\") Then strMsg = "exists" Else strMsg = "does not exist" End If Debug.Print "DirectoryExistsUNC(): UNC folder " & strMsg ' Try it again with something that doesn't exist strMsg = "DirectoryExists(): directory x:\nothere\foobar" If DirectoryExists("x:\nothere\foobar") Then strMsg = strMsg & " does exist." Else strMsg = strMsg & " doesn't exist." End If Debug.Print strMsg ' See if a file exists strMsg = "FileExists(): file " & cstrTestFile If FileExists(cstrTestFile) Then strMsg = strMsg & " does exist." Else strMsg = strMsg & " doesn't exist." End If Debug.Print strMsg ' See again with something we know doesn't exist strMsg = "FileExists(): file x:\foobar\FMS\programs\123.456" If FileExists("x:\foobar\FMS\programs\123.456") Then strMsg = strMsg & " does exist." Else strMsg = strMsg & " doesn't exist." End If Debug.Print strMsg Debug.Print ' Get all the directories in a folder intCount = DirectoriesToArray(mcstrSamplePath, False, astrFiles()) Debug.Print "DirectoriesToArray(): there are " & intCount & " folders in " & mcstrSamplePath & ": " & vbCrLf & Join(astrFiles, ", ") Debug.Print ' Get all the directories in a folder and its subfolders intCount = DirectoriesToArray(mcstrSamplePath, True, astrFiles()) Debug.Print "DirectoriesToArray(): there are " & intCount & " folders and subfolders in " & mcstrSamplePath & ": " & vbCrLf & Join(astrFiles, ", ") Debug.Print ' Get all the files in a directory intCount = FilesToArray(mcstrSamplePath, "*.*", True, False, astrFiles()) Debug.Print "FilesToArray(): there are " & intCount & " files in " & mcstrSamplePath & ":" & vbCrLf & Join(astrFiles, ", ") Debug.Print ' Get all the files in a folder and all its subfolders intCount = FilesInSubFoldersToArray(mcstrSamplePath, "*.*", True, False, astrFiles()) Debug.Print "FilesInSubFoldersToArray(): there are " & intCount & " files in " & mcstrSamplePath & " and its subfolders:" & vbCrLf & Join(astrFiles, ", ") Debug.Print ' Try to move a file fOK = MoveFile(cstrTestFile, cstrMoveDir) Debug.Print "MoveFile() moved [" & cstrTestFile & "] to " & cstrMoveDir & ": " & fOK ' Get the path part from a full file name Debug.Print "GetFilePath() : path part of " & cstrTestFile & " is " & GetFilePath(cstrTestFile) ' Get the name part from a full file name Debug.Print "GetFileName() : name part of " & cstrTestFile & " is " & GetFileName(cstrTestFile) ' Get the name without extension from a full file name Debug.Print "GetFileNameNoExt() : name without extension of " & cstrTestFile & " is " & GetFileNameNoExt(cstrTestFile) ' Get the extension from a full file name Debug.Print "GetFileExtension() : extension of " & cstrTestFile & " is " & GetFileExtension(cstrTestFile) ' Get the full file name without the extension Debug.Print "GetFullFileNameNoExt() : full name without extension of " & cstrTestFile & " is " & GetFullFileNameNoExt(cstrTestFile) ' --------------------------------------------------- ' Rename test file ' Create new file name from the one to rename strFileName = "Renamed_" & GetFileName(cstrNewFile) ' Add the folder strFileName = GetFilePath(cstrNewFile) & strFileName fOK = RenameFile(cstrNewFile, strFileName) Debug.Print cstrNewFile & " renamed to: " & strFileName & "_Renamed: " & fOK ' --------------------------------------------------- ' Delete a test file If KillFile(cstrNewFile) Then Debug.Print "KillFile(): file " & cstrNewFile & " was deleted." Else Debug.Print "KillFile(): file " & cstrNewFile & " was deleted." End If ' Parse a full path ParsePath cstrTestFile, strDrive, strPath, strFileName, strExtension strMsg = "Drive: " & strDrive & vbCrLf & _ "Path: " & strPath & vbCrLf & _ "FileName: " & strFileName & vbCrLf & _ "Extension: " & strExtension Debug.Print "ParsePath(): " & strMsg ' Empty a file for security If PurgeFile(cstrTestFile) Then Debug.Print "PurgeFile(): file purged." Else Debug.Print "PurgeFile(): file NOT purged." End If ' Set some file attributes Call SetFileAttributes(cstrReadFile, True, True, True, True) ' Get the new file attributes fAttribute = IsAttributeSet(cstrReadFile, vbNormal) Debug.Print "IsAttrSet(): Normal attribute is" & IIf(fAttribute, "", "not") & " set." fAttribute = IsAttributeSet(cstrReadFile, vbReadOnly) Debug.Print "IsAttrSet(): ReadOnly attribute is" & IIf(fAttribute, "", "not") & " set." fAttribute = IsAttributeSet(cstrReadFile, vbHidden) Debug.Print "IsAttrSet(): Hidden attribute is" & IIf(fAttribute, "", "not") & " set." fAttribute = IsAttributeSet(cstrReadFile, vbSystem) Debug.Print "IsAttrSet(): System attribute is" & IIf(fAttribute, "", "not") & " set." ' Set the file's attributes back to reasonable values Call SetFileAttributes(cstrReadFile, True, False, False, False) Debug.Print "SetFileAttr(): restored file attributes" ' Add line numbers to a file AddLineNumbersToFile cstrNoLineNums, cstrLineNums, 100, 10 Debug.Print "AddLineNumbersToFile(): " & "Added line numbers from " & cstrNoLineNums & " to " & cstrLineNums ' Count lines in text file Debug.Print cstrNoLineNums & " has " & CountLinesInTextFile(cstrNoLineNums, False) & " line(s) including blanks, and " & _ CountLinesInTextFile(cstrNoLineNums, True) & " lines excluding blanks." ' Get the next file name similiar to the existing file but incremented: Debug.Print "Next available file name for " & cstrNoLineNums & " is: " & GetNextFileName(cstrNoLineNums) If FileExists(cstrNoLineNums) Then Debug.Print "File size: " & GetFileSizeSimple(cstrNoLineNums) ' Read contents of a file into a variable; only show the first 300 characters varTmp = ReadFileContents(cstrNoLineNums) Debug.Print "ReadFileContents(): file " & cstrNoLineNums & " contains (300 chacters): " & vbCrLf & Left$(varTmp, 300) Debug.Print Debug.Print "ReadFileText(): file " & cstrNoLineNums & " has these 16 characters starting from character 11: " & vbCrLf & _ ReadFileText(cstrNoLineNums, 16, 11) Debug.Print "ReadFileText(): file " & cstrNoLineNums & " has these 16 characters starting from character 11: " & vbCrLf & _ ReadFileText(cstrNoLineNums, 16, 11) ' Read a multi-line text file into an array of lines intCount = ReadTextFileToArray(cstrNoLineNums, astrLines) Debug.Print intCount & " lines read into the array: " ' For this example, just show the first 10 lines If intCount > cintMaxLines Then intCount = cintMaxLines End If For intCounter = 0 To intCount - 1 Debug.Print intCounter, astrLines(intCounter) Next intCounter Else Beep Debug.Print "ReadFileContents(): file: " & cstrNoLineNums & " does not exist." End If ' Read the bytes from a file lngBytes = ReadFileBytes(cstrReadFile, 2048, 1, abytIn()) Debug.Print "ReadFileBytes(): returned " & lngBytes & " bytes from " & cstrReadFile MsgBox "Examples of modFileDisk Completed", vbInformation Else MsgBox "Examples of modFileDisk could not be run since " & mcstrSamplePath & " does not exist. Create the folder then rerun the examples.", vbCritical End If End Sub Private Sub Example_modFileDisk_Folders() ' Comments: Examples of using the folder features of module modFileDisk to create and delete folders, subfolders and their contents Dim strNewFolder As String Dim strSubFolder As String ' New folder name strNewFolder = mcstrSamplePath & "My New Folder" ' Create the new folder If MakeFolder(strNewFolder) Then Debug.Print "Created new folder: " & strNewFolder Else Debug.Print "Could not create new folder: " & strNewFolder End If ' Create subfolders in the new folder strSubFolder = strNewFolder & "\SubFolder\SubSubFolder" If MakeSubFolders(strSubFolder) Then Debug.Print "Created new subfolder: " & strSubFolder End If ' Delete the subfolder If DeleteFolder(strSubFolder) Then Debug.Print "Subfolder deleted: " & strSubFolder Else Debug.Print "Subfolder not deleted: " & strSubFolder End If ' Alternatively, one can delete a folder and its subfolders If DeleteFolderSubfolder(strNewFolder, True, True, True) Then Debug.Print "Folder and subfolders deleted from: " & strNewFolder Else Debug.Print "Folder and subfolders not deleted from: " & strNewFolder End If End Sub Private Sub Example_modFileDisk_Drives() ' Comments: Examples of using the features of module modFileDisk for checking drives Dim strMsg As String Dim strDrive As String Dim astrDrives() As String Dim intCounter As Integer ' See if E: drive exists strDrive = "E" If DriveExists(strDrive) Then strMsg = "exists" Else strMsg = "does not exist" End If Debug.Print "DriveExists(): Drive " & strDrive & ": " & strMsg ' Get all existing drives If AvailableDrives(astrDrives) Then For intCounter = LBound(astrDrives) To UBound(astrDrives) Debug.Print astrDrives(intCounter) & ": drive exists" Next intCounter End If End Sub
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