Module: TreeView in Category ActiveX Controls : Common Controls from Total Visual SourceBook

Loading the TreeView Windows Common control with data and searching in VB6 and 32-bit VBA.

The TreeView control is one of the components in the comctl32.ocx common controls custom control. It presents an expandable/collapsible hierarchical view of data. The routines in this module are used to load the treeview from arrays and recordsets, find strings, and collapse and expand the nodes of the TreeView.
Note: This code is not supported in the 64-bit version of Access 2010 or 2013 due to the use of the Common Controls of MSComCtl32.ocx.

Procedure Name Type Description
(Declarations) Declarations Declarations and private variables for the modTreeView module.
ArrayToTreeView Procedure Loads a TreeView control with the contents of a string array.
CollapseAllTreeViewNodes Procedure Collapses all the nodes on a TreeView control.
CopyTreeView Procedure Copies the contents of one TreeView control to another, maintaining the key, tag, image, and relationship information.
  1. In order for the parent/child node information to be recreated correctly on the Target TreeView control, both the Source and the Target TreeView control should be set to the same setting for the "Sorted" property. Preferably both treeviews will have the Sorted property set to False.
  2. In order to recreate the images correctly, you must manually associate both TreeView controls with the same ImageList control.
ExpandAllTreeViewNodes Procedure Expands all the nodes on a TreeView control.
FindTagTreeView Procedure Finds a node in the TreeView control which contains the search text in the Tag property. To test if a node was found, compare the return value of the function to Nothing.
FindTextTreeView Procedure Finds a node in the TreeView control which contains the search text. To test if a node was found, compare the return value of the function to Nothing.
GetNodeLevel Procedure Get a number indicating how many levels deep the node is on the TreeView.
RecordSetToTreeViewADO Procedure Displays the contents of an ADO recordset in a standard unbound TreeView control. This procedure loads an existing recordset into a TreeView control, using the specified column names for the TreeView nodes' Text, Key, and Tag properties. The optional nodParent argument can be used to specify the starting point for the items.
RecordSetToTreeViewDAO Procedure Displays the contents of a DAO recordset in a standard unbound TreeView control. This procedure loads an existing recordset into a TreeView control, using the specified column names for the TreeView nodes' Text, Key, and Tag properties. The optional nodParent argument can be used to specify the starting point for the items.
TabularRecordsetToTreeViewADO Procedure Displays the contents of a tabular (hierarchical) ADO recordset in a standard unbound TreeView control. You specify which column in the recordset contains the data to be used at the first level of the nodes (i.e. the "group by" field) and the column to be used for the detail data within that group. You may optionally specify column names containing the Key information for the group by and detail nodes, and the Tag information.

Note: This procedure does not sort the records in the recordset. Normally the data should be ordered with the column specified as the 'group by' column with the highest-level sort.
TabularRecordsetToTreeViewDAO Procedure Displays the contents of a tabular recordset in a standard unbound TreeView control. You specify which column in the recordset contains the data to be used at the first level of the nodes (i.e. the "group by" field) and the column to be used for the detail data within that group. You may optionally specify column names containing the Key information for the group by and detail nodes, and the Tag information.

Note: This procedure does not sort the records in the recordset. Normally the data should be ordered with the column specified as the 'group by' column with the highest-level sort.
' Example of modTreeView
' This example assumes Access as the host language rather than a VBA program

' To try this example, do the following:
' 1. Create a new form
' 2. Add a TreeView control named 'tvwTest' and set the following property
'       HideSelection      False
' 3. Add a TreeView control named 'tvwCopy'
' 4. Add an ImageList control named 'iml'
' 5. Add any 4 icons to the 'iml' image list
' 6. Associate the 'iml' image list with both 'tvwTest' and 'tvwCopy'
' 7. Add the following command buttons
'       'cmdLoadArray'
'       'cmdLoadSample'
'       'cmdCollapse'
'       'cmdExpand'
'       'cmdTest'
'       'cmdLoadRS'
'       'cmdLoadRSTabular'
'       'cmdLoadRSHierarchy'
'       'cmdCopy'
' 8. Add a label named 'lblTreeViewData'
' 9. Paste all the code from this example to the new form's module.

' This example assumes that the sample files are located in the folder named by the following constant.
Private Const mcstrSamplePath As String = "C:\TVSBSamp"
Private Const mcstrConnect As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & vbCrLf & "Data Source=" & mcstrSamplePath & "\sample.mdb"
Private mdbSample As DAO.Database

Private Sub cmdCopy_Click()
  CopyTreeView tvwTest.Object, tvwCopy.Object
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
  cmdLoadArray.Caption = "Load Array"
  cmdLoadSample.Caption = "Load Sample"
  cmdCollapse.Caption = "Collapse"
  cmdExpand.Caption = "Expand"
  cmdTest.Caption = "Test"
  cmdLoadRS.Caption = "Load Recordset"
  cmdLoadRSTabular.Caption = "Load Tabular RS"
  cmdLoadRSHierarchy.Caption = "Load Hierarchy"
  cmdCopy.Caption = "Copy Tree"
  lblTreeViewData.Height = 990

  Call LoadSampleData
  Set mdbSample = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase(mcstrSamplePath & "\sample.mdb")

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCollapse_Click()
  ' Sample of CollapseAllTreeViewNodes
  CollapseAllTreeViewNodes tvwTest.Object
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExpand_Click()
  ' Example of ExpandAllTreeViewNodes
  ExpandAllTreeViewNodes tvwTest.Object
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLoadArray_Click()
  Call LoadFromArray
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLoadRS_Click()
  Call LoadSingleRecordset
  Call LoadSingleADORecordset
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLoadRSHierarchy_Click()
  Call LoadRecordsetHierarchy
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLoadRSTabular_Click()
  Call LoadRecordsetTabular
  Call LoadADORecordsetTabular
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLoadSample_Click()
  Call LoadSampleData
End Sub

Private Sub cmdTest_Click()
  Dim nod As node

  ' Example of FindTextTreeView
  Set nod = FindTextTreeView(tvwTest.Object, "Brad", True)

  If nod Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "'Brad' Not found"
    Set tvwTest.selectedItem = nod
  End If

  ' Example of FindTagTreeView
  Set nod = FindTagTreeView(tvwTest.Object, "Mal", False)

  If nod Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "'Mal' Not found"
    Set tvwTest.selectedItem = nod
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub LoadFromArray()
  ' Example of ArrayToTreeView

  Dim astrNames() As String

  ReDim astrNames(1 To 10)

  astrNames(1) = "Larry"
  astrNames(2) = "Orel"
  astrNames(3) = "Nancy"
  astrNames(4) = "Matthew"
  astrNames(5) = "Rochelle"
  astrNames(6) = "Quinn"
  astrNames(7) = "Randy"
  astrNames(8) = "Paul"
  astrNames(9) = "Ulaf"
  astrNames(10) = "Timothy"


  ArrayToTreeView tvwTest.Object, astrNames

End Sub

Private Sub LoadSampleData()
  Dim nodRoot As node
  Dim nodAlpha As node
  Dim nodName As node
  Dim nodPhone As node


  Set nodRoot = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(, , "PB", "Phone Book", 1)

  Set nodAlpha = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodRoot.Index, tvwChild, "A", "A", 2)
  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "A1", "Al", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Johnson"
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P1", "Day - 555-1212", 4)
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P2", "Night - 555-1213", 4)

  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "A2", "Anne", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Smith"
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P3", "Day - 555-1214", 4)
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P4", "Night - 555-1215", 4)

  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "A3", "Arden", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Brooks"
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P5", "Day - 555-1216", 4)
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P6", "Night - 555-1217", 4)

  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "A4", "Atley", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Wilson"
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P7", "Day - 555-1218", 4)
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P8", "Night - 555-1219", 4)

  Set nodAlpha = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodRoot.Index, tvwChild, "B", "B", 2)
  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "B1", "Bob", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Jones"
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P9", "Day - 555-1220", 4)
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P10", "Night - 555-1221", 4)

  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "B2", "Brad", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Buckley"
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P11", "Day - 555-1222", 4)
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P12", "Night - 555-1223", 4)

  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "B3", "Brenda", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Clemens"
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P13", "Day - 555-1224", 4)
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P14", "Night - 555-1225", 4)

  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "B4", "Buster", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Keaton"
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P15", "Day - 555-1226", 4)
  Set nodPhone = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodName.Index, tvwChild, "P16", "Night - 555-1227", 4)

  Set nodAlpha = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodRoot.Index, tvwChild, "C", "C", 2)

  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "C1", "Carl", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Malone"

  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "C2", "Cathy", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Delio"

  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "C3", "Cindy", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Ergnon"

  Set nodName = tvwTest.Nodes.Add(nodAlpha.Index, tvwChild, "C4", "Corben", 3)
  nodName.Tag = "Enrico"

End Sub

Private Sub LoadSingleRecordset()
  ' Example of RecordsetToTreeView

  Dim rstProducts As DAO.Recordset
  Dim strSQL As String

  strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Products ORDER BY ProductName"

  Set rstProducts = mdbSample.OpenRecordset(strSQL)


  RecordSetToTreeViewDAO rstProducts, tvwTest.Object, "ProductName", "ProductID", "CategoryID"

End Sub

Private Sub LoadSingleADORecordset()
  ' Example of ADORecordsetToTreeView

  Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
  Dim rstCustomers As New ADODB.Recordset
  Dim strSQL As String

  strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Customers ORDER BY CompanyName"

  cnn.Open mcstrConnect
  rstCustomers.Open strSQL, cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic


  RecordSetToTreeViewADO rstCustomers, tvwCopy.Object, "CompanyName", "CustomerID", "ContactName"

End Sub

Private Sub LoadRecordsetHierarchy()
  ' Alternate example for RecordsetToTreeview
  ' This example loads one recordset in the first pass, and the loads a related recordset in the second pass, getting a reference
  ' to the parent node to use for the details in the second recordset

  Dim rstSuppliers As DAO.Recordset
  Dim rstProducts As DAO.Recordset
  Dim nod As node


  Set rstSuppliers = mdbSample.OpenRecordset("SELECT SupplierID, CompanyName, ContactName FROM Suppliers ORDER BY CompanyName")

  ' Load recordset with first-level information from Suppliers
  RecordSetToTreeViewDAO rstSuppliers, tvwTest.Object, "CompanyName", "SupplierID", "ContactName", , " S"


  ' For each row in the Suppliers table, create a recordset consistin of the corresponding records in the Products table; Locate the
  ' SupplierID node in the treeview, and add the data from the Product table under this node:
  Do Until rstSuppliers.EOF

    ' Get a reference to the parent node for this Supplier; we know the key value for the node consists of the SupplierID value
    ' and an " S" suffix:
    Set nod = tvwTest.Nodes(rstSuppliers!SupplierID & " S")

    Set rstProducts = mdbSample.OpenRecordset("SELECT ProductID, ProductName FROM Products WHERE SupplierID = " & rstSuppliers!SupplierID)

    ' Load the related data for the current product
    RecordSetToTreeViewDAO rstProducts, tvwTest.Object, "ProductName", "ProductID", , nod, " P"



  ExpandAllTreeViewNodes tvwTest.Object

End Sub

Private Sub LoadADORecordsetTabular()
  ' Example of TabularADORecordsetToTreeView
  ' This example uses the first character of the ProductName field as the "parent" column for the other Product entries, which
  ' are then shown underneath this alpha character.

  Dim rstProducts As ADODB.Recordset
  Dim strSQL As String


  strSQL = "SELECT Left(Products.ProductName,1) as ProdInit, Products.* FROM Products ORDER BY Products.ProductName"

  Set rstProducts = New ADODB.Recordset
  rstProducts.Open strSQL, mcstrConnect

  TabularRecordsetToTreeViewADO rstProducts, tvwCopy.Object, "ProdInit", "ProductName"

  ExpandAllTreeViewNodes tvwCopy.Object

End Sub

Private Sub LoadRecordsetTabular()
  ' Example of TabularRecordsetToTreeView
  ' This example creates a join between Categories and Products.
  ' Each Category is a major node of the treeview, and each product is a sub-node within that category

  Dim rstCatProd As DAO.Recordset
  Dim strSQL As String


  strSQL = "SELECT Categories.*, Products.* FROM Categories " & _
           "INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID " & _
           "ORDER BY Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName; "

  Set rstCatProd = mdbSample.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

  ' This example shows all optional arguments supplied, including key and tag fields for the GroupBy and Detail values, as well as the
  ' value to use on numeric keyfields to make them storable as Node keys. Notice that since the CategoryID field occurs in both
  ' the Products and Categories table in the join, it is necessary to qualify the field name with the table name

  TabularRecordsetToTreeViewDAO rstCatProd, tvwTest.Object, "CategoryName", "ProductName", "Categories.CategoryID", "ProductID", "Description", "SupplierID", " C", " P"

  ExpandAllTreeViewNodes tvwTest.Object

End Sub

Private Sub tvwCopy_NodeClick(ByVal node As Object)
  lblTreeViewData.Caption = _
    "Key: " & node.Key & vbCrLf & _
    "Tag: " & node.Tag & vbCrLf & _
    "Lvl: " & GetNodeLevel(node)
End Sub

Private Sub tvwTest_NodeClick(ByVal node As Object)
  lblTreeViewData.Caption = _
    "Key: " & node.Key & vbCrLf & _
    "Tag: " & node.Tag & vbCrLf & _
    "Lvl: " & GetNodeLevel(node)
End Sub

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