Code Categories in Total Visual SourceBook
Over 50 categories are organized in 18 topics. Here are the highlights of the categories available in Total Visual SourceBook:
Microsoft Access
Working within Access or an
external instance of Access
- Automation for running another instance of
- Access Environment
- Startup routines such as relinking
tables, setting error trapping, opening
backend databases, etc.
- Access application level routines for
the database window, user names, profiles,
closing Access
- Windows API calls to show, hide and
adjust the transparency of windows and
- Information on the current database
name, version, Jet version, ADP, runtime,
- Manage the printer settings and
orientation on Access forms and reports
- Manage the Access Ribbons to show,
hide, minimize, maximize, and toggle it
- Manage the Access status bar and
progress meter
- Working Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
from Access
- Access Forms
- General routines for Microsoft Access
forms (Jet and ADP)
- General routines for Microsoft Access
subforms (Jet and ADP).
- Launching the Microsoft Access spell
checker on an Access form and its subforms
- Routines for Microsoft Access
forms in ADPs
- Routines for Microsoft Access forms
using Jet (for MDB/ACCDB, not ADP)
- Access Macros
- Retrieving Microsoft Access
macro names and running them
- Access Modules
- Compiling, opening, retrieving,
replacing, saving, and deleting Microsoft
Access modules
- Access Object
- Routines for running an Access Data
Projects (ADPs)
- Manage open Access objects, inventory,
active objects, and minimizing, restoring
and closing them
- Delete, duplicate, rename, and export
Access objects in Jet and ADP databases
- Get, set, and create Access properties
for the Current Project (Jet or ADP
- Retrieve Access object information
from the MSysObjects table
- Access Reports
- Routines for reports to print,
preview, report view, output to PDF, and
inventory reports and their controls
Access Jet Databases and ADPs
Database: Microsoft Access database objects using ADO and
DAO, plus workgroup and password security
ACCDB field types such as Attachment, Hyperlink, and
Multivalue fields using DAO to view, retrieve, edit and
delete data
Examples of using ADO and DAO to work with Microsoft
Access databases, tables, and queries
Manage tables and data records from Microsoft Access
databases for local and linked tables using ADO and DAO.
ADP support provided through ADO.
Microsoft Office Automation
- Excel Automation to create spreadsheets,
insert data from a database, autofit columns,
format cells, create and manage named ranges
- PowerPoint Automation to create
presentations with themes, create slides from
text and data, override themes, modify slides,
print and display, etc.
- Word Automation, inserting data into Word
tables, data merge, spell checking, printing,
Microsoft Outlook
Find, edit, and delete Outlook objects:
- Address Book and the Exchange Server
Global Address List
- Calendar Appointments and Meeting Requests
- Contacts
- Folders (opening, copying, emptying,
moving, deleting, etc.)
- Sending email
- Notes
- Tasks and Task Requests
Geospatial Mapping
- Addresses and Distances with online lookups for GPS
latitude and longitude, etc.
- Google Earth automation by creating KML files to
show locations, points of interest, lines between points,
and animated tours
Automate Google Maps, Bing Maps and Mapquest to show
points of interest, directions between locations, and set
display options
Lookup City and State values from a zip code lookup table
using DAO and ADO
SQL Server Databases and SharePoint
- SQL Server using ODBC and OLE DB Drivers,
and Data Link Dialog
- DNS-less connections
- Linking to SharePoint
General Code that Works with Office/VBA and
- Abstract Data Types (bit array,
dictionary, history
list, queues, stacks)
- Application Techniques (dictionary,
message box, shutting down Windows, error
- Data Integrity with 16 and 32 bit Cyclic
Redundancy Check (CRC)
- Data Type and Unit Conversions to convert
among different types of data such as bit
operations, units of measure
- Date and Time (date/time math,
holiday/business date math, high resolution
- Encryption and Compression using
passwords, Huffman compression, Lempel-Ziv
compression (CLZ), Run Length Encoding (RLE),
and UU encoding and decoding
- Library Reference Information
- Math (general, area/volume, statistics,
- Multimedia (running AVI and WAV files,
managing CD/DVD drives, telephone/modem TAPI)
Searching in and sorting strings and arrays
String handling to concat, evaluate
expressions, use tokens, and parse strings
Internet and Web
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to upload and
download files to FTP sites, create and delete
FTP files and folders, etc.
- HTTP connections, data, and sessions
Using Internet web sites for searching Bing,
Google, Yahoo, YouTube, retrieving current
stock quotes, news, images, videos, etc.
Get a TinyURL or shortened URL
- Twitter searching
Error Handling
- Advanced error handling and logging for VBA
- Advanced error handling and logging for VB6
Windows API Calls with 32 and 64-bit Support
- Clipboard Operations
- Common Dialogs for file open/save, color selection, fonts,
page setup, printer, folder browsing, etc.
Displaying Windows Common Dialogs for Colors, Files,
Folders, Fonts, Printers, and Page Setup
- File and Disk Operations (disk drives,
paths, copying/moving/deleting files, folders,
and subfolders)
Fonts stored in Windows and their point sizes
- Help calls for using HTML and CHM files
- INI File reading and writing
ActiveX Controls
- Windows Common Controls (List view and Tree view)
- Windows Media Player
Visual Basic 6
- Application Techniques (command arguments, error handling, hourglass, shell execute)
- VB6 Controls (combo box, date time picker, list box, text box, toolbar)
- Forms (captionless window mover, form position, references, and ordering)
- Graphics (GDI shapes, screen resolution, screen capture, fractals, colors, effects, simulated controls)
- Menus (VB6 menus and most recently used lists)
- Printer management and direct drawing
- Registry management to read/write items and branches
- System information for the computer CPU, keyboard, memory, mouse, operating system, printers, and system folders
Additional Categories
- Active Server Pages
- XML File Creation, Reading, Parsing and Displaying
Additional Resources