Class: Excel in Category Microsoft Excel : Automation from Total Visual SourceBook

Create and modify Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (workbooks), worksheets, data ranges, cells, formats, margins, data from Access, spell checking, and PivotTables through VBA and VB6 automation.

Microsoft Excel provides an automation server component, which allows most of the functionality in Excel to be called from an external program (e.g. Microsoft Access VBA, VB6, etc). Note that Excel refers to a spreadsheet as a Workbook and the individual tabs in a workbook as Worksheets.

Procedure Name Type Description
(Declarations) Declarations Declarations and private variables for the CExcel class.
ActiveWorksheet Property Get the name of the active worksheet.
AppExcel Property Get a handle to the current instance of Excel so you can set any property directly.
BottomMargin Property Set the bottom margin of the active worksheet.
CurrentWorkbook Property Get a handle to the currently open workbook.
DocumentProperties Property Get the specified document property.
ExcelCaption Property Get the caption of Excel.
ExcelWindowState Property Get the Excel window state of the active workbook.
LeftFooter Property Get the left footer value in the active worksheet.
LeftHeader Property Get the left header value in the active worksheet.
LeftMargin Property Get the left margin value in the active worksheet.
PageOrientation Property Get the page orientation of the active worksheet.
RightFooter Property Set the right footer value in the active worksheet.
RightHeader Property Set the right header value in the active worksheet.
RightMargin Property Get the right margin of the active worksheet.
TopMargin Property Get the top margin of the active worksheet.
Visible Property Set the visibility of the active worksheet.
WorkbookCaption Property Get the caption of the active workbook. This replaces the name of the Excel file or workbook.
WorkbookWindowState Property Get the window state of the active workbook.
WorksheetName Property Get the current worksheet's name.
ActWinDisplayGridLines Method Hide or display worksheet gridlines.
ActWinDisplayHeadings Method Hide or Display Worksheet headings.
ActWinDisplayHorizontalScrollBar Method Hide or Display the Horizontal Scroll Bar.
ActWinDisplayVerticalScrollBar Method Hide or Display the Vertical Scroll Bar.
ActWinDisplayWrkBkTabs Method Hide or Display the Workbook Tabs.
ActWinSetWindowCaption Method Set the window caption for the Active Window.
ActWinSetWindowState Method Set the window state for the active window.
AppDisplayFormulaBar Method Hide or Display the Formula Bar.
AppDisplayStatusBar Method Hide or Display the Status Bar.
AppSetWindowCaption Method Set the window caption for the application.
AppSetWindowState Method Set the window state for the application.
CloseExcel Method Close Excel.
CloseWorkbook Method Close the current workbook (spreadsheet).
CreatePivotTable Method Create a Pivot Table from a data range.
CreateSummaryColumn Method For each column, summarize the data based on the summary type.
CreateSummaryRow Method For each row, summarize the data based on the summary type.
CreateTableFromAccess Method Get the contents of an Access table or query into the current document.
CreateTableFromAccessFast Method Get the contents of an Access table or query into the current document using the CopyRecordset command which is faster than retrieving it record by record. This procedure uses the Excel CopyRecordset method to make the import of Access data almost instantaneous. Use this method if you don't need to modify the data from the recordset as it comes in. If you need to modify records as they come in, see the CreateTableFromAccess() procedure for a recordset-looping version of this code.
CreateWorkbook Method Create a new workbook and save it.
CreateWorksheet Method Create a new worksheet.
DeleteColumn_ByColumn Method Delete the column.
DeleteColumn_ByRange Method Delete the column(s) by range.
DeleteRow_ByRange Method Delete the row(s) by range.
DeleteRow_ByRow Method Delete the row.
WorksheetNames Method Get an array of worksheet names.
WorksheetIndex Method Get the ID of a Worksheet based on its name while handling the possibility that it doesn't exist.
DeleteWorksheet Method Delete the specified Worksheet, if it exists.
GetCellAddress Method Convert the Row/Column to cell address 'A1' format.
ExcelReferenceStyle Private Get Excel reference style constant.
GetCellFontBold_ByRange Method Get the bold font for the cell address or cell range.
GetCellFontBold_ByRowColumn Method Get the bold font for the row/column.
GetCellFontItalic_ByRange Method Get the italic font for the cell address or cell range.
GetCellFontItalic_ByRowColumn Method Get the italic font for the row/column.
GetCellColor_ByRange Method Get the background color for the cell address or cell range.
GetCellColor_ByRowColumn Method Get the background color for the row/column position.
GetCellFontColor_ByRange Method Get the font color for the cell address or cell range.
GetCellFontColor_ByRowColumn Method Get the font color for the row/column position.
GetCellFontName_ByRange Method Get the font name for the cell address or cell range.
GetCellFontName_ByRowColumn Method Get the font name for the row/column position.
GetCellFontSize_ByRange Method Get the font size for the cell address or cell range.
GetCellFontSize_ByRowColumn Method Get the font size for the row/column position.
GetCellFontUnderline_ByRange Method Get the underline font for the cell address or cell range.
GetCellFontUnderline_ByRowColumn Method Get the underline font for the row/column position.
GetCellFormula_ByRange Method Get the formula for the cell address.
GetCellFormula_ByRowColumn Method Get the formula for the row/column position.
GetCellValue_ByRange Method Get the contents of the cell address.
GetRangeAddress Method Get the cell addresses of a named range.
GetRangeSubAddress Method Get the cell addresses of a portion of a named range such as a row, column or specific cell.
GetRangeAddress_FirstCell Method Get the cell addresses of the first cell in the named range.
GetRangeAddress_LastCell Method Get the cell addresses of the last cell in the named range.
GetRangeAddress_FirstRow Method Get the cell addresses of the first row of a named range.
GetRangeAddress_LastRow Method Get the cell addresses of the last row of a named range.
GetRangeAddress_FirstColumn Method Get the cell addresses of the first column of a named range.
GetRangeAddress_LastColumn Method Get the cell addresses of the last column of a named range.
GetCellValue_ByRowColumn Method Get the cell value for the row/column.
InsertColumn_ByColumn Method Insert a column based on the column position.
InsertColumn_ByRange Method Insert a column/group of columns based on the cell address or cell range.
InsertRow_ByRange Method Insert a row/group of rows based on the cell address or cell range.
InsertRow_ByRow Method Insert a row based on the row position.
SetCellValue_ByRange Method Set the value for the cell address or range of cells.
SetCellValue_ByRowColumn Method Set the value for the cell specified by the row and column.
OpenWorkbook Method Open the named file and associates it with the class.
OpenWorkbookFromLib Method Open the named file and associates it with the class. This version looks in the Excel library folder.
PrintActiveWorksheet Method Print the active workbook.
PrintSelectedSheets Method Print the specified worksheets.
SaveCurrentDocument Method Save the current document.
SaveCurrentDocumentAs Method Save the current document with a new name and optional passwords.
SelectDynamicColumnRange Method Select a column range with a variable length.
SelectNamedRange Method Select a named range.
CreateRange Method Create a named range for the specified cells.
SelectRange Method Select a range between two cells.
SelectRange_ByRange Method Select cells based on cell address or cell range.
SelectRange_ByRowColumn Method Select a cell based on row/column position.
SetActiveWorksheet Method Make a worksheet active.
SetCellFontBold_ByRange Method Set the bold font for the cell address or cell range.
SetCellFontBold_ByRowColumn Method Set the bold font for the row/column position.
SetCellFontItalic_ByRange Method Set the italic font for the cell address or cell range.
SetCellFontItalic_ByRowColumn Method Set the italic font for the row/column position.
SetCellColor_ByRange Method Set the cell background color for the cell address or cell range.
SetCellColor_ByRowColumn Method Set the cell background color for the row/column position.
SetCellFontDetails Method Set the font name, size, style, and colors for a range of cells.
SetCellFontColor_ByRange Method Set the text color for the cell address or cell range.
SetCellNumberFormat_ByRange Method Set the number format for the cell address or cell range.
SetCellAlignmentHorizontal_ByRange Method Set the horizontal alignment the cell address or cell range.
SetCellAlignmentVertical_ByRange Method Set the horizontal and vertical alignment the cell address or cell range.
SetCellFontColor_ByRowColumn Method Set the text color for the row/column position.
SetCellFontName_ByRange Method Set the font name for the cell address or cell range.
SetCellFontName_ByRowColumn Method Set the font name for the row/column position.
SetCellFontSize_ByRange Method Set the font size for the cell address or cell range.
SetCellFontSize_ByRowColumn Method Set the font size for the row/column position.
SetCellFontUnderline_ByRange Method Set the underline font for the cell address or cell range.
SetCellFontUnderline_ByRowColumn Method Set the underline font for the row/column position.
SetCellFormula_ByRange Method Set the formula for all the cells in the range of the active worksheet.
ColumnLetter Method Convert the column to the letter.
SetColumnWidth Method Set the column width for one column to a particular width or autofit.
SetColumnWidth_ByRange Method Set the column widths to a particular width or autofit.
SetCellFormula_ByRowColumn Method Set the formula for a cell in the active worksheet.
SortRange Method Sorts the specified range.
SpellCheckRange Method Spell check the specified range of cells.
IsOpen Method Determine if Microsoft Excel is already open.
StartExcel Method Start an instance of Microsoft Excel. Multiple instances of Excel can be opened at one time, or you can have one instance of Excel open with multiple workbooks (spreadsheets) in it.
' Example of CExcel
' To use this example, create a new module and paste this code into it.
' There are several procedures available by calling Examples_CExcel.
' You can watch as several Excel spreadsheets are created.
' Put the cursor in the procedure and press:
'    F5 to run it, or
'    F8 to step through it line-by-line (see the Debug menu for more options)

Private Const mcstrSamplePath As String = "C:\Total Visual SourceBook 2013\Samples\"
Private Const mcstrSampleDB As String = mcstrSamplePath & "SAMPLE.MDB"
Private Const mcstrTempInsert As String = mcstrSamplePath & "ExcelSample1.XLSX"
Private Const mcstrTempImport As String = mcstrSamplePath & "ExcelSample2.XLSX"

' Change to False to use an existing instance of Excel, if it's open
Private Const mcfNewInstance As Boolean = True

Private Sub Examples_CExcel()
  ' Comments: Example of using the CExcel class to automate Microsoft Excel from VBA and VB6.

  Dim strMsg As String
  Dim clsExcel As CExcel
  Dim fContinue As Boolean

  ' Instantiate the class
  Set clsExcel = New CExcel

  ' Before continuing, we want to be sure that the computer doesn't have an existing instance of Excel running.
  ' This is so our example code doesn't erroneously interact with the wrong instance of Excel and cause problems.
  If clsExcel.IsOpen() Then
    strMsg = "Excel is currently open. To avoid modifying your spreadsheets, close Excel before continuing." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you want to continue?"
    fContinue = (MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbCritical) = vbYes)
    ' Excel isn't open, so no need to prompt the user
    fContinue = True
  End If

  Set clsExcel = Nothing

  If fContinue Then
    ' Clean up any temp files from a previous run of this example
    On Error Resume Next
    Kill mcstrTempImport
    Kill mcstrTempInsert
    On Error GoTo 0

    ' Example of getting and setting basic information for an Excel spreadsheet (workbook) and worksheets such as margins, header, footer, document information; and printing

    ' Example of creating an Excel spreadsheet (mcstrTempInsert), inserting data and formulas, adding and deleting rows and columns using ranges

    ' Create a new spreadsheet (mcstrTempImport), import data from an Access database into it using two techniques, create and select ranges, set cell properties for font, color and number formats.

    ' Create a new spreadsheet, import data and create two pivot tables from it.
  End If

End Sub

Private Sub ExampleExcel_BasicInfo()
  ' Comments: Example of getting and setting basic information for an Excel spreadsheet (workbook) and worksheets such as margins, header, footer, document information; and printing
  '           This workbook is never saved but is left open in Excel if you choose.
  '           See the Immediate Window for additional information.

  Const cstrSheetName1 As String = "SourceBook Example"
  Const cstrSheetName2 As String = "New Worksheet"

  Dim clsExcel As CExcel
  Dim strError As String
  Dim intWorksheets As Integer
  Dim astrWorksheets() As String
  Dim intCounter As Integer
  Dim fSetActive As Boolean
  Dim colSheets As Collection

  Set clsExcel = New CExcel

  ' Start the instance of Excel and make it visible (or use the existing instance if it's already open)
  Set clsExcel = New CExcel
  If clsExcel.StartExcel(mcfNewInstance) Then
    strError = clsExcel.CreateWorkbook()
    If strError = "" Then
      ' Get the list of worksheets in the workbook (depends on the default number of worksheets for a new spreadsheet)
      intWorksheets = clsExcel.WorksheetNames(astrWorksheets())
      Debug.Print intWorksheets & " worksheets"
      For intCounter = 1 To intWorksheets
        Debug.Print "Worksheet " & intCounter & ": " & astrWorksheets(intCounter)
      Next intCounter

      ' Delete Worksheet "Sheet3"
      strError = clsExcel.DeleteWorksheet("Sheet3")
      If strError = "" Then
        Debug.Print "Sheet3 deleted"

        ' Set a worksheet as active
        fSetActive = clsExcel.SetActiveWorksheet("Sheet1")
        Debug.Print "Sheet1 " & IIf(fSetActive, "is", "is not") & " active"

        ' Replace the default Excel caption with your own
        clsExcel.ExcelCaption = "Custom Excel Caption"
        Debug.Print "The Excel caption is: " & clsExcel.ExcelCaption

        ' Replace the default Workbook showing the Excel name with your own
        clsExcel.WorkbookCaption = "Your Workbook Caption"
        Debug.Print "The Excel Workbook caption is: " & clsExcel.WorkbookCaption

        ' Rename the worksheet to another name
        clsExcel.WorksheetName = cstrSheetName1

        ' Put a value in the first cell
        Call clsExcel.SetCellValue_ByRowColumn(1, 1, "Worksheet " & cstrSheetName1 & " created " & Now)

        ' Create a new worksheet AFTER the existing one
        clsExcel.CreateWorksheet cstrSheetName2, False

        ' Put a value in the first cell
        Call clsExcel.SetCellValue_ByRowColumn(1, 1, "Worksheet: " & cstrSheetName2 & " created " & Now)

        ' Change the Margins/Footers/Headers (in inches)
        clsExcel.TopMargin = ".75"
        clsExcel.BottomMargin = ".75"
        clsExcel.LeftMargin = ".25"
        clsExcel.RightMargin = ".25"
        clsExcel.LeftHeader = "My Left Header"
        clsExcel.RightHeader = "My Right Header"
        clsExcel.LeftFooter = "My Left Footer"
        clsExcel.RightFooter = "My Right Footer"

        ' Retrieve the margin, header, and footer information
        Debug.Print "Current Margins/Footers/Headers after the change"
        Debug.Print "---------------------------------------"
        Debug.Print "Top Margin   : " & clsExcel.TopMargin
        Debug.Print "Bottom Margin: " & clsExcel.BottomMargin
        Debug.Print "Left Margin  : " & clsExcel.LeftMargin
        Debug.Print "Right Margin : " & clsExcel.RightMargin
        Debug.Print "Left Footer  : " & clsExcel.LeftFooter
        Debug.Print "Right Footer : " & clsExcel.RightFooter
        Debug.Print "Left Header  : " & clsExcel.LeftHeader
        Debug.Print "Right Header : " & clsExcel.RightHeader

        ' Page Orientation
        Select Case clsExcel.PageOrientation
          Case Excel.XlPageOrientation.xlLandscape
            Debug.Print "The current page orientation is: Landscape"
          Case Excel.XlPageOrientation.xlPortrait
            Debug.Print "The current page orientation is: Portrait"
        End Select

        ' Set the document properties
        Debug.Print "DocumentProperties: Setting Document Properties "
        clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpAuthor) = Environ("UserName")
        clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpCategory) = "Examples"
        clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpComments) = "Created " & Now
        clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpCompany) = "My Organization"
        clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpKeywords) = "Excel, sample, Total Visual SourceBook, CExcel"
        clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpManager) = "My Boss"
        clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpSubject) = "Total Visual SourceBook Sample"
        clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpTitle) = "Automation Example"

        ' Retrieve the document properties (appears on the spreadsheet's File, Info page)
        Debug.Print "DocumentProperties: Getting Document Properties "
        Debug.Print clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpAuthor)
        Debug.Print clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpCategory)
        Debug.Print clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpComments)
        Debug.Print clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpCompany)
        Debug.Print clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpKeywords)
        Debug.Print clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpManager)
        Debug.Print clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpSubject)
        Debug.Print clsExcel.DocumentProperties(xldpTitle)

        ' Print a range of sheets
        If MsgBox("Do you want to print the workbook?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
          ' To do this, we must populate a collection with the sheet names we want to print. First, we'll create three new sheets
          Set colSheets = New Collection
          Call colSheets.Add(cstrSheetName1)
          Call colSheets.Add(cstrSheetName2)

          ' Print the sheets as a single batch
          clsExcel.PrintSelectedSheets colSheets, 1, False, True

          ' Uncomment this to print the current worksheet
          ' clsExcel.PrintActiveWorksheet 1, 1, 1, False, False, False

          ' Uncomment this line to print the sheets as individual jobs
          'clsExcel.PrintSelectedSheets colSheets, 1, False, False
        End If

        If MsgBox("Do you want discard the workbook and close Excel?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
          ' Close and don't save the current document
          clsExcel.CloseWorkbook False
        End If

        MsgBox "Could not delete Sheet3: " & strError
      End If
      MsgBox "Workbook could not be created: " & strError
    End If
    MsgBox "Excel could not be started"
  End If

  Set clsExcel = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ExampleExcel_InsertDataAndFormulas()
  ' Comments: Example of creating an Excel spreadsheet (mcstrTempInsert), inserting data and formulas, adding and deleting rows and columns using ranges
  '           Creates a file named by the mcstrTempInsert1 constant.
  '           See the Immediate Window for additional information.

  Const cstrRangeName As String = "MyData"
  Dim clsExcel As CExcel
  Dim strError As String
  Dim intCounter As Integer

  ' Start the instance of Excel and make it visible (or use the existing instance if it's already open)
  Set clsExcel = New CExcel
  If clsExcel.StartExcel(mcfNewInstance) Then
    strError = clsExcel.CreateWorkbook()
    If strError = "" Then
      Debug.Print "CreateWorkbook(): new workbook created."

      ' ----------------------
      ' Show the properties of the cell befor they are set
      ExampleExcel_CellProperties clsExcel, "Title Cell Properties Before", "", 1, 1

      ' Insert and format title, font, colors, and underline
      clsExcel.SetCellValue_ByRowColumn 1, 1, "New Worksheet Title"
      clsExcel.SetCellFontDetails "A1", "Tahmoa", 12, True, True, vbRed, vbYellow
      clsExcel.SetCellFontUnderline_ByRowColumn 1, 1, ulSingle

      ' Example of autofitting the width of one column (the first column)
      clsExcel.SetColumnWidth 1

      ' Show the properties of the cell after they are set
      ExampleExcel_CellProperties clsExcel, "Title Cell Properties After", "", 1, 1
      ' ----------------------

      ' Insert some values in three columns (B thru D)
      For intCounter = 2 To 10
        clsExcel.SetCellValue_ByRange "B" & intCounter, intCounter
        ' Enter a random number between 0 and 50
        clsExcel.SetCellValue_ByRange "C" & intCounter, Int(Rnd() * 50)
        ' Enter a random number between 0 and 50
        clsExcel.SetCellValue_ByRange "D" & intCounter, Int(Rnd() * 50)
      Next intCounter

      ' Set the formula for a range of cells in four columns
      clsExcel.SetCellFormula_ByRange "G2:I10", "=B2+C2+D2"

      ' Create a name for a range of cells
      Call clsExcel.CreateRange(cstrRangeName, "G2", "J10")

      ' Select a different range of cells (if paused after this, you'll see these cells highlighted)
      Call clsExcel.SelectRange("G3", "J5")

      ' Color the cells (background) of the defined range name; notice this can be set without changing the selected range of cells
      Call clsExcel.SetCellColor_ByRange(cstrRangeName, vbGreen)

      ' Select a range of cells by name
      Call clsExcel.SelectRange_ByRange(cstrRangeName)

      ' Examples of deleting columns:
      ' Delete a range of three columns
      clsExcel.DeleteColumn_ByRange "G1:I1"

      ' Delete a single column
      clsExcel.DeleteColumn_ByColumn 7

      ' Create a summary column to the right of the range of cells summing each row
      clsExcel.CreateSummaryColumn stSum, "B2:D10"
      ' Set the summary column bold
      clsExcel.SetCellFontBold_ByRange "E1:E11", True

      ' Add a label for the total column (by row and column number)
      clsExcel.SetCellValue_ByRowColumn 1, 5, "Total"
      ' Make the cell right aligned
      clsExcel.SetCellAlignmentHorizontal_ByRange "E1", xlRight

      ' Create a summary row immediately below the range of cells summing each column, plus a grand total to the right of it
      clsExcel.CreateSummaryRow stSum, "B2:D10", True

      ' Add a label for the total row and make it right aligned
      clsExcel.SetCellValue_ByRange "A11", "Total"
      clsExcel.SetCellAlignmentHorizontal_ByRange "A11", xlRight

      ' Format the summary row
      clsExcel.SetCellFontDetails "A11:E11", "Tahoma", 12, True, True, vbYellow, vbBlue
      clsExcel.SetCellFontUnderline_ByRange "A12:E12", ulDoubleAccounting

      ' Another way to enter summaries
      ' Set the formula to calculate totals for the relative cells above them (would usually just have one row but an extra one is added as an example to delete next)
      clsExcel.SetCellFormula_ByRange "B13:D14", "=Sum(B2:B10)"
      ' Delete the rows
      clsExcel.DeleteRow_ByRange "B13:B14"

      ' Determine what properties are set
      ExampleExcel_CellProperties clsExcel, "Summary Row Cell Properties", "B11:D11", 1, 1

      ' Sort the rows on the second column in descending order
      clsExcel.SortRange "B2:D10", "C1", False
      Debug.Print "SortRange(): sorted descending on range."

      If MsgBox("Do you want to save the workbook?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        ' Save the document under another name before adding the formulas
        strError = clsExcel.SaveCurrentDocumentAs(mcstrTempInsert)
        If strError = "" Then
          MsgBox mcstrTempInsert & " successfully created"
          MsgBox mcstrTempInsert & " could not be created: " & strError
        End If
      End If

      If MsgBox("Do you want close the workbook and Excel?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        ' Close the workbook
        clsExcel.CloseWorkbook False
      End If
      MsgBox "New workbook could not be created: " & strError
    End If
    MsgBox "Excel could not be started"
  End If

  Set clsExcel = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ExampleExcel_CellProperties(clsExcel As CExcel, strDescription As String, ByVal strRange As String, ByVal intRow As Integer, ByVal intColumn As Integer)
  ' Comments: Get the cell properties
  ' Params  : clsExcel        Excel class already initilaized to the desired worksheet
  '           strDescription  Description to show
  '           strRange        Range of cells to show, if blank, use the row and position
  '           intRow          Row of first cell
  '           intColumn       Column of first cell

  Const cstrTrueFalse As String = "True/False"

  Debug.Print strDescription
  Debug.Print "-----------------------------"

  If strRange = "" Then
    Debug.Print "Address   : " & clsExcel.GetCellAddress(intRow, intColumn, True, True, True)
    Debug.Print "Font      : " & clsExcel.GetCellFontName_ByRowColumn(intRow, intColumn)
    Debug.Print "Size      : " & clsExcel.GetCellFontSize_ByRowColumn(intRow, intColumn)
    Debug.Print "Bold      : " & Format(clsExcel.GetCellFontBold_ByRowColumn(intRow, intColumn), cstrTrueFalse)
    Debug.Print "Italic    : " & Format(clsExcel.GetCellFontItalic_ByRowColumn(intRow, intColumn), cstrTrueFalse)
    Debug.Print "Underline : " & clsExcel.GetCellFontUnderline_ByRowColumn(intRow, intColumn)
    Debug.Print "Text Color: " & clsExcel.GetCellFontColor_ByRowColumn(intRow, intColumn)
    Debug.Print "Cell Color: " & clsExcel.GetCellColor_ByRowColumn(intRow, intColumn)
    Debug.Print "Formula   : " & clsExcel.GetCellFormula_ByRowColumn(intRow, intColumn)
    Debug.Print "Value     : " & clsExcel.GetCellValue_ByRowColumn(intRow, intColumn)
    Debug.Print "Address   : " & strRange
    Debug.Print "Font      : " & clsExcel.GetCellFontName_ByRange(strRange)
    Debug.Print "Size      : " & clsExcel.GetCellFontSize_ByRange(strRange)
    Debug.Print "Bold      : " & Format(clsExcel.GetCellFontBold_ByRange(strRange), cstrTrueFalse)
    Debug.Print "Italic    : " & Format(clsExcel.GetCellFontItalic_ByRange(strRange), cstrTrueFalse)
    Debug.Print "Underline : " & clsExcel.GetCellFontUnderline_ByRange(strRange)
    Debug.Print "Text Color: " & clsExcel.GetCellFontItalic_ByRange(strRange)
    Debug.Print "Cell Color: " & clsExcel.GetCellFontBold_ByRange(strRange)
    Debug.Print "Formula   : " & clsExcel.GetCellFormula_ByRange(strRange)
    Debug.Print "Value     : " & clsExcel.GetCellValue_ByRange(strRange)
  End If

End Sub

Private Sub ExampleExcel_ImportAndFormatData()
  ' Comments: Example of creating an Excel spreadsheet and importing data into it from an Access database, creating and selecting ranges, setting cell properties for font, color and number formats.
  '           Two examples are shown, one using the CreateTableFromAccessFast function and the other with the more flexible but slower CreateTableFromAccess function.
  '           Creates a file named by the mcstrTempImport constant.
  '           See the Immediate Window for additional information as data is processed for range values.

  Const cstrSampleTable As String = "Orders"
  Const cstrCellStart As String = "B3"
  Const cintMaxRecords As Integer = 50
  Const cintMaxFields As Integer = 10
  Const cstrRangeName As String = "ImportedData"
  Const cstrRangeAccess As String = "ImportedAccess"

  Dim clsExcel As CExcel
  Dim strRangeCells As String
  Dim strRangeFirstRow As String
  Dim strRangeFirstCol As String

  Set clsExcel = New CExcel

  ' Start the instance of Excel and make it visible (or use the existing instance if it's already open)
  If clsExcel.StartExcel(mcfNewInstance) Then
    ' Create the new file
    clsExcel.CreateWorkbook mcstrTempImport
    Debug.Print "CreateWorkbook(): new workbook " & mcstrTempImport & " created."

    ' Set the worksheet name to this example
    clsExcel.WorksheetName = "CreateTableFromAccessFast"

    ' Import a table from Microsoft Access and insert into the spreadsheet
    ' Include the field names and place it starting with the 3rd row, 2nd column.
    ' Retrieve the first 50 records and give the data a range name specified by cstrRangeName.

    ' Get a table from Microsoft Access and insert the first 50 records and 10 fields into the sheet using the CopyRecordset method
    clsExcel.CreateTableFromAccessFast mcstrSampleDB, cstrSampleTable, True, cstrCellStart, cstrRangeName, cintMaxRecords, cintMaxFields
    Debug.Print "CreateTableFromAccessFast(): imported Access table into Excel."

    ' Different ways to get the cells for a range name
    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeAddress(cstrRangeName)
    Debug.Print "Range of cells (absolute, A1)  : " & strRangeCells

    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeAddress(cstrRangeName, False, False)
    Debug.Print "Range of cells (relative, A1)  : " & strRangeCells

    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeAddress(cstrRangeName, False, False, False)
    Debug.Print "Range of cells (relative, R1C1): " & strRangeCells

    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeAddress(cstrRangeName, , , False)
    Debug.Print "Range of cells (absolute, R1C1): " & strRangeCells

    ' ------------------
    ' Get cells for portions of the range

    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, 1, 1)
    Debug.Print "First cell of Range : " & strRangeCells

    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, -1, -1)
    Debug.Print "Last cell of Range  : " & strRangeCells

    strRangeFirstCol = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, 0, 1)
    Debug.Print "Cells for First Col : " & strRangeFirstCol

    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, 0, -1)
    Debug.Print "Cells for Last Col  : " & strRangeCells

    strRangeFirstRow = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, 1, 0)
    Debug.Print "Cells for First Row : " & strRangeFirstRow

    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, -1, 0)
    Debug.Print "Cells for Last Row  : " & strRangeCells

    ' ------------------
    ' Format the cells: fonts, color, number format

    ' Format the entire range. Set the font and color for the field names
    clsExcel.SetCellFontDetails cstrRangeName, "Segoe UI", 10, False, False, vbBlack, vbCyan

    ' Format the first row. Set the font and color for the field names
    strRangeFirstRow = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, 1, 0)
    clsExcel.SetCellFontDetails strRangeFirstRow, "Tahoma", 11, True, True, vbYellow, vbBlue

    ' Center the 3rd column
    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, 0, 3)
    Call clsExcel.SetCellAlignmentHorizontal_ByRange(strRangeCells, xlCenter)

    ' Set 8th column to Currency numeric format
    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, 0, 8)
    Call clsExcel.SetCellNumberFormat_ByRange(strRangeCells, "$#,##0.00")

    ' Set 4th column to a date format
    strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, 0, 4)
    Call clsExcel.SetCellNumberFormat_ByRange(strRangeCells, "mm/dd/yy")

    ' ------------------
    ' Horizontally center the field names and first column
    Call clsExcel.SetCellAlignmentHorizontal_ByRange(strRangeFirstRow, xlCenter)
    Call clsExcel.SetCellAlignmentHorizontal_ByRange(strRangeFirstCol, xlCenter)

    ' ------------------
    ' Adjust the width of a column so it shows the entire value (autofit); this should be done after the cell formatting which may impact the width.

    ' Example of autofitting the width of one column: 10th column
    clsExcel.SetColumnWidth 10

    ' Autofit the column width of all the columns in the range
    clsExcel.SetColumnWidth_ByRange cstrRangeName

    ' ------------------
    If MsgBox("Do you want to perform spell checking?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
      ' Spell checking the data in all the rows of the 9th column of the range
      strRangeCells = clsExcel.GetRangeSubAddress(cstrRangeName, 0, 9)
      clsExcel.SpellCheckRange strRangeCells
    End If

    ' ------------------
    ' Create a new worksheet
    If MsgBox("Do you want to create a new worksheet and import the table using slower, more flexible method?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
      ' Create the new worksheet after the current one
      clsExcel.CreateWorksheet "CreateTableFromAccess", False

      ' Retrieve data from a table record by record with the opportunity to adjust data as it's processed. This is more flexible but slower than CreateTableFromAccessFast
      ' This brings in all the fields.
      clsExcel.CreateTableFromAccess mcstrSampleDB, cstrSampleTable, True, cstrCellStart, cstrRangeAccess, cintMaxRecords
      Debug.Print "CreateTableFromAccess(): imported Access table into Excel."

      ' Autofit the column width of all the columns
      clsExcel.SetColumnWidth_ByRange cstrRangeAccess
    End If

    If MsgBox("Do you want to discard the spreadsheet and close Excel?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
      ' Close and save the workbook
      clsExcel.CloseWorkbook False
    End If
    MsgBox "Excel could not be started"
  End If

  Set clsExcel = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub ExampleExcel_PivotTable()
  ' Comments: Example of creating an Excel spreadsheet with two Pivot Tables using data imported from an Access database.
  '           The first worksheet has a pivot table of the quantity by Country (row) and Product (column).
  '           The second worksheet has a pivot table of sales by two row fields (Country and Company) and Product (column).

  Const cstrDestCell As String = "J2"
  Const cstrQuery As String = "qryOrderProducts"
  Const cstrDataRange As String = "DataRange"

  Dim clsExcel As CExcel
  Dim strError As String

  Set clsExcel = New CExcel

  ' Start the instance of Excel and make it visible
  If clsExcel.StartExcel(mcfNewInstance) Then

    ' Create a new workbook

    clsExcel.WorksheetName = "Country Quantity"

    ' Get a table from Microsoft Access and insert the first 50 records and 10 fields into the sheet using the CopyRecordset method.
    ' Assign the new data range to cstrDataRange
    clsExcel.CreateTableFromAccessFast mcstrSampleDB, cstrQuery, True, "A1", cstrDataRange

    ' Create a Pivot Table on Current Sheet
    clsExcel.CreatePivotTable cstrDataRange, cstrDestCell, "Country", "ProductName", "Quantity", xlSum

    ' Create a second pivot table on another sheet with two row fields
    clsExcel.CreateWorksheet "Country Company Sales", False
    clsExcel.CreatePivotTable cstrDataRange, "A1", "Country;CompanyName", "ProductName", "Sales", xlSum, "$ #,##0"

    If MsgBox("Do you want to close the spreadsheet and Excel?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
      ' Close and do not save the workbook
      clsExcel.CloseWorkbook False
    End If
    MsgBox "Excel could not be started"
  End If

  Set clsExcel = Nothing
End Sub

Total Visual SourceBook The source code in Total Visual Sourcebook includes modules and classes for Microsoft Access, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) developers. Easily add this professionally written, tested, and documented royalty-free code into your applications to simplify your application development efforts.

Total Visual SourceBook is written for the needs of a developer using a source code library covering the many challenges you face. Countless developers over the years have told us they learned some or much of their development skills and tricks from our code. You can too!

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