Class: ScreenCapture in Category Microsoft Visual Basic 6 : Graphics from Total Visual SourceBook

Screen capturing windows and forms to a picture with VB6.

Procedure Name Type Description
(Declarations) Declarations Declarations and private variables for the CScreenCapture class.
CaptureType Property Get the current type of screen capture.
Form Property Get a handle to the form used for Form and Client captures.
PictureData Property Get the contents of the most recent screen capture as an OLE Picture data type (which can be send directly to the Picture property of a PictureBox control).
PrintOrientation Property Get the current printer orientation.
Class_Initialize Initialize Initialize internal variables.
Capture Method Captures the object defined by the CaptureType property. Before calling this method, set the CaptureType property to define the object you want to capture.
Clear Method Clear the class picture object.
PrintPicture Method Print the current picture object to the printer specified by the Prn argument. The orientation for printing is based on the PrintOrientation property.
CaptureActiveWindow Private Capture the active window to a Printer object.
CaptureClient Private Capture the form's client area to a Printer object.
CaptureForm Private Capture the passed form to a Printer object.
CaptureScreen Private Capture the entire screen to a Printer object.
CaptureWindowToPicture Private Capture the specified part of a window and returns the data as a picture object.
CreatePictureFromBitmap Private Create a bitmap object from the specified bitmap and palette.
GetBestFit Private Determine the best print orientation for the picture based on a simple height vs. width comparison.
' Example of the CScreenCapture class
' To use this example:
' 1.  Create a new form.
' 2.  Create a command button named cmdCaptureScreen
' 3.  Create a command button named cmdCaptureForm
' 4.  Create a command button named cmdCaptureClient
' 5.  Create a command button named cmdCaptureActive
' 6.  Create a command button named cmdPrint
' 7.  Create a command button named cmdClear
' 8.  Create an array of 3 option buttons named optOrientation
' 9.  Create a picture box named picCapture
' 10. Paste the entire contents of this module into the new form's module.

Private ScreenCap As CScreenCapture

Private Sub cmdCaptureScreen_Click()
  ' Comments  : Capture the entire screen

  ScreenCap.CaptureType = ecstScreen

  Set picCapture.Picture = ScreenCap.PictureData

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCaptureForm_Click()
  ' Comments  : Capture the form

  ScreenCap.CaptureType = ecstForm

  Set picCapture.Picture = ScreenCap.PictureData

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCaptureClient_Click()
  ' Comments  : Capture the client area of this form

  ScreenCap.CaptureType = ecstClient

  Set picCapture.Picture = ScreenCap.PictureData

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCaptureActive_Click()
  ' Comments  : Capture the entire active window

  ScreenCap.CaptureType = ecstActive

  Set picCapture.Picture = ScreenCap.PictureData

End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
  ' Comments  : Print the picture

  ' Determine the settings
  If optOrientation(0).Value Then
    ScreenCap.PrintOrientation = prorPortrait

  ElseIf optOrientation(1).Value Then
    ScreenCap.PrintOrientation = prorLandscape

    ScreenCap.PrintOrientation = prorBestFit

  End If

  ' Do the print job
  ScreenCap.PrintPicture Printer

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
  ' Comments  : Clear the picture

  Set picCapture.Picture = ScreenCap.PictureData

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

  ' Instantiate the class
  Set ScreenCap = New CScreenCapture

  ' Pass this form to the class
  Set ScreenCap.Form = Me
  Call SetupForm

End Sub

Private Sub SetupForm()
  ' Comments  : Sets up the form visuals
  With Me
    .Caption = "CScreenCapture Example"
    .Width = 6120
    .Height = 3645
  End With

  With cmdCaptureScreen
    .Caption = "Capture &Screen"
    .Width = 1995
    .Height = 350
    .Top = 45
    .Left = 0
  End With

  With cmdCaptureForm
    .Caption = "Capture &Form"
    .Width = 1995
    .Height = 350
    .Top = cmdCaptureScreen.Top + cmdCaptureScreen.Height + 100
    .Left = 0
  End With

  With cmdCaptureClient
    .Caption = "Capture &Client"
    .Width = 1995
    .Height = 350
    .Top = cmdCaptureForm.Top + cmdCaptureForm.Height + 100
    .Left = 0
  End With

  With cmdCaptureActive
    .Caption = "Capture &Active"
    .Width = 1995
    .Height = 350
    .Top = cmdCaptureClient.Top + cmdCaptureClient.Height + 100
    .Left = 0
  End With

  With cmdPrint
    .Caption = "&Print"
    .Width = 1995
    .Height = 350
    .Top = cmdCaptureActive.Top + cmdCaptureActive.Height + 100
    .Left = 0
  End With

  With cmdClear
    .Caption = "C&lear"
    .Width = 1995
    .Height = 350
    .Top = 2790
    .Left = 0
  End With

  With optOrientation(0)
    .Caption = "Portrait"
    .Left = 2070
    .Top = 2835
    .Width = 915
    .Value = True
  End With

  With optOrientation(1)
    .Caption = "Landscape"
    .Left = 3420
    .Top = 2835
    .Width = 1200
  End With

  With optOrientation(2)
    .Caption = "Best Fit"
    .Left = 4815
    .Top = 2835
    .Width = 915
  End With

  With picCapture
    .AutoSize = False
    .Left = 2070
    .Height = 2715
    .Width = 3885
    .Top = 45
  End With

End Sub

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