Module: Startup in Category Microsoft Access : Environment from Total Visual SourceBook

Startup routines for a Microsoft Access database application to open backend databases, relink tables, set error trapping, etc. using Access VBA.

For more information, read our papers on Microsoft Access Split Database Architecture and Significantly Improve the Performance of Microsoft Access Databases with Linked Tables.

Procedure Name Type Description
(Declarations) Declarations Declarations and private variables for the modStartup module.
CreateLinkedTable Procedure Create a new table linked to a Jet/Access table in another database.
RelinkAllTables Procedure Relink all the linked (attached) tables in the current database to a new database.
RelinkTableDef Procedure Relink (attach) a table definition to a new database (eliminates the need to create a new database handle if processing lots of tables).
RelinkTable Procedure Relink (attach) one table in the current database to a new database.
OpenBackendDatabase Procedure Open a handle to a backend database and keep it open; or close the previously opened database.

NOTE: Significant performance improvements can be achieved by keeping a database handle open during the entire time your application is running. Visit our page, Significantly Improve the Performance of Microsoft Access Database with Linked Tables for more information.
OpenAllDatabases Procedure Use this procedure when there are multiple backend databases to keep open; or close the previously opened databases.

NOTE: Significant performance improvements can be achieved by keeping a handle open during the entire time your application is running. Visit our page, Significantly Improve the Performance of Microsoft Access Database with Linked Tables for more information.
SetErrorTrapping Procedure Set or reset error trapping setting so errors are properly handled while your application runs. This setting can be manually set from the IDE under the Tools, Options menu, General Tab. If error trapping is set to Break on All Errors, code with On Error Resume Next will stop if an error occurs. This setting is at the machine level, not your application so what works fine on one machine may fail on another due to this setting. To avoid this, make sure error trapping is set to Break in Class Modules by calling this routine when your application starts. When the application finishes, call this routine again to reset the setting back to the original value. For more information, read our page on Error Handling and Debugging Tips and Techniques.
GetCommandLine Procedure Access can be started with a command line option passed after the /cmd tag (commonly in a shortcut). Your program can use this as a flag for special processing.
GetCommandLineValues Procedure Access can be started with a command line option passed after the /cmd tag (commonly in a shortcut) Your program can use this as a flag for special processing. If you pass multiple values in this manner separated by a delimiter, the values are loaded into the passed array.
StartupFormGet Procedure Get the Microsoft Access database's current startup form name.
StartupFormSet Procedure Set or remove the startup form for a Microsoft Access database when it opens.
' Example of modStartup
' To try this example, do the following:
' 1. Create a new form
' 2. Create a command button 'cmdTest'
' 3. Link the table named Categories from Sample.mdb (in the directory where you installed TVSB sample files, usually C:\TVSBSamp).
' 4. Paste this code into the form's module

#If VBA7 Then
  Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lngMilliSeconds As Long)
  Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lngMilliSeconds As Long)
#End If

Private Sub cmdTest_Click()
  Const cstrSample As String = "C:\Total Visual SourceBook 2013\Samples\Sample.mdb"
  Const cstrLinkedTable As String = "Categories"
  Dim strTmp As String
  Dim astrTmp() As String
  Dim intCounter As Integer

  ' Set Error Trapping option
  SetErrorTrapping True
  Debug.Print "Error trapping set..."

  ' GetCommandLine and GetCommandLineValues
  ' To test this, create a shortcut for your database with the command line /cmd Test1;Test2;Test3
  ' e.g. C:\Total Visual SourceBook 2013\Samples\sample.mdb /cmd Test1;Test2;Test3
  strTmp = GetCommandLine
  If strTmp = "" Then
    Debug.Print "Access was not started with a command line option."
    Debug.Print "Access was started with command line: " & strTmp
    If GetCommandLineValues(astrTmp()) Then
      For intCounter = 0 To UBound(astrTmp)
        Debug.Print astrTmp(intCounter)
      Next intCounter
    End If
  End If

  ' Open a handle to the backend database when the program starts for improved performance.
  ' This eliminates the creation and deletion of database locks as you open and close individual tables.
  If OpenBackendDatabase(True, cstrSample) Then
    Debug.Print cstrSample & " opened..."
    ' Wait 1 second
    Sleep 1000

    ' Relink one table
    If MsgBox("Relink " & cstrLinkedTable & " to " & cstrSample & "?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
      If RelinkTable(cstrLinkedTable, cstrSample) Then
        Debug.Print cstrLinkedTable & " relinked."
      End If
    End If

    ' Relink all linked tables in the current database to this database
    If MsgBox("Relink All Tables to " & cstrSample & "?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
      If RelinkAllTables(cstrSample) Then
        Debug.Print "All tables relinked."
      End If
    End If

    strTmp = StartupFormGet()
    Debug.Print "The startup form is : " & strTmp

    If False Then
      ' This example is shown but not run since it changes the startup form of your database
      If StartupFormSet("MyForm") Then
        Debug.Print "Startup form is set to MyForm"
      End If

      ' Removees the startup form on your database
      If StartupFormSet("") Then
        Debug.Print "Startup form removed"
      End If
    End If
  End If

  ' Close the database object. This is normally called when the database application closes.
  If OpenBackendDatabase(False, cstrSample) Then
    Debug.Print "..." & cstrSample & " closed"
  End If

  ' Reset Error Trapping option when the application closes
  SetErrorTrapping False
  Debug.Print "...error trapping reset to previous value."

End Sub

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