Module: ManagingObjects in Category Microsoft Access : Objects from Total Visual SourceBook

Delete, duplicate, rename, and export Microsoft Access objects in Jet (ACCDB/MDB) and ADP databases in Access VBA.

Procedure Name Type Description
(Declarations) Declarations Declarations and private variables for the modManagingObjects module.
DeleteObject Procedure Delete an object (table, query etc.) using the DeleteObject action. If the object cannot be deleted, the function returns a value of False. If it returns True, the object no longer exists.
DuplicateObject Procedure Duplicate (copy) an object (table, query, form, report, macro, module, diagram, view, stored procedure, etc.) in its own database. If an object with the new name already exists, it is overwritten. This function can fail if the target object exists and is being used.
DuplicateTableStructure Procedure Duplicate (copy) a table's structure (no data) into a new table in the current database.
ExportObject Procedure Export (copy) an object (table, query, form, report, macro, module, diagram, view, stored procedure, etc.) to another database. The other database needs to support the exported object type (e.g. tables with ACCDB data types can't go to an MDB).
RenameObject Procedure Rename an object (table, query etc.). If an object with the new name already exists, it is overwritten. This function can fail if the target object exists and is being used.
IsValidAccessName Procedure Determine if the supplied name is a valid name for an Access object. The following rules are used:
  1. Has to be at least one character in length.
  2. Has to be fewer than 64 characters in length.
  3. Cannot start with a space or equals sign.
  4. Cannot contain any of the following characters: ! . [ ] `
' Example of modManagingObjects
' To try this example, do the following:
' 1. Create a new form in your copy of Sample.mdb.
' 2. Create a command button 'cmdTest'
' 3. Paste this code into the form's module

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
  Me.cmdTest.Caption = "Test Access managing objects functions"
End Sub

Private Sub cmdTest_Click()
  Const cstrSampPath As String = "C:\Total Visual SourceBook 2013\Samples\sample.mdb"
  Dim fOK As Boolean
  Dim strMacroName As String

  ' Test if a name is valid
  strMacroName = "!!BadAccessName!!"
  If IsValidAccessName(strMacroName) Then
    Debug.Print strMacroName & " is a valid name."
    Debug.Print strMacroName & " is a NOT valid name."
    strMacroName = "FMSTest"
    If IsValidAccessName(strMacroName) Then
      Debug.Print strMacroName & " is a valid name."
      Debug.Print strMacroName & " is NOT a valid name."
    End If
  End If

  ' Example of DuplicateObject
  fOK = DuplicateObject(acMacro, "Quit", "Copy of Quit")
  Debug.Print "Copied macro 'Quit' to 'Copy of Quit'...: " & IIf(fOK, "Successful", "Failed")

  ' Example of RenameObject
  fOK = RenameObject(acMacro, "Copy of Quit", strMacroName)
  Debug.Print "Renamed 'Copy of Quit' to '" & strMacroName & "'...: " & IIf(fOK, "Successful", "Failed")

  ' Example of DeleteObject
  fOK = DeleteObject(acMacro, strMacroName)
  Debug.Print "Deleted macro '" & strMacroName & "'...: " & IIf(fOK, "Successful", "Failed")

  ' Example of DuplicateTableStructure
  fOK = DuplicateTableStructure("Customers", "Customers_Shell")
  Debug.Print "Copied table structure 'Customers' to 'Customers_Shell'...: " & IIf(fOK, "Successful", "Failed")

  ' Example of ExportObject
  fOK = ExportObject(acTable, "Customers_Shell", "Customers_Shell", cstrSampPath)
  Debug.Print "Exported 'Customers_Shell' to " & cstrSampPath & "...: " & IIf(fOK, "Successful", "Failed")

  ' Example of DeleteObject
  fOK = DeleteObject(acTable, "Customers_Shell")
  Debug.Print "Deleted table 'Customers_Shell'...: " & IIf(fOK, "Successful", "Failed")

End Sub

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