This tokenizer is implemented as a state machine. The characters used for whitespace, separators, quotes, and end-of-line are all implemented as properties. This allows for a great deal of flexibility in how text is tokenized.
Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the CTokenizer class. |
ConvertCase | Property | Get the current type of case conversion. The ConvertCase property can have the following values:
EOLChars | Property | Get the characters currently treated as end of line characters. |
QuoteChars | Property | Get the characters currently treated as quotes. |
SeparatorChars | Property | Get the characters currently treated as separators. |
Text | Property | Get the text to tokenize. |
WhiteSpaceChars | Property | Get the characters currently treated as white space. |
Class_Initialize | Initialize | Initialize the class. |
GetNextToken | Method | Get the next token in the string identified by the text property. |
AppendToken | Private | Append the current character to the token, performing any necessary case conversion. |
CharType | Private | Determine the type of the current character. |
HandleEOL | Private | Handle an end of line character. |
HandleQuote | Private | Handle a quote character. |
HandleSeparator | Private | Handle a separator character. |
HandleToken | Private | Handle a token character. |
HandleWhiteSpace | Private | Handle a whitespace character. |
' Example of CTokenizer ' ' To try this example, do the following: ' 1. Create a new form ' 2. Add a command button named 'cmdTest' ' 3. Paste all the code from this example to the new form's module. ' 4. Run the form Private Const mcstrText As String = "A-whop boppa lu-mop," & vbCrLf & "A whop bam boom" Private Sub cmdTest_Click() ' Example for the CTokenizer class ' This example breaks a string up into its pieces and constructs a new string, separated by "."'s ' to display in a message box Dim tokenizer As CTokenizer Dim strBops As String Dim strTok As String Set tokenizer = New CTokenizer With tokenizer .Text = mcstrText .WhiteSpaceChars = " ,.:-" .ConvertCase = tokLower .EOLChars = vbCrLf Do While .GetNextToken(strTok, " ", False) strBops = strBops & "." & strTok Loop End With Debug.Print strBops End Sub
The source code in Total Visual Sourcebook includes modules and classes for Microsoft Access, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), and Visual Basic
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Supports Access/Office 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007, and Visual Basic 6.0!
"The code is exactly how I would like to write code and the algorithms used are very efficient and well-documented."
Van T. Dinh, Microsoft MVP