Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the COutlookNotes class. |
AppOutlook | Property | Get the handle to the current instance of Outlook. |
AppNameSpace | Property | Get the handle to the current instance of the Outlook NameSpace. |
AddNote | Method | Add a new note. |
DeleteNote | Method | Delete a Note Item. |
DeleteNoteID | Method | Delete the note identified by the passed ID number. |
GetNoteList | Method | Get a list of all Note Items containing the passed string. |
GetNoteCount | Method | Get the number of notes containing the passed string. |
GetNoteID | Method | Get the ID of the first Note Items containing the passed string. |
GetNoteIDBody | Method | Get a note's body (text) based on its ID in the outlook notes collection. |
SetNoteIDBody | Method | Update the note body for a particular ID. |
GetNoteIDCategories | Method | Get a note's categories based on its ID in the outlook notes collection. |
SetNoteIDCategories | Method | Update the note categories for a particular ID. |
StartOutlook | Method | Start an instance of Outlook. |
Class_Terminate | Terminate | Clean up class variables opened for Outlook. |
CloseOutlook | Method | Close an instance of Outlook. |
' Example of the COutlookNotes class ' ' To try this example, do the following: ' 1. Create a new form ' 2. Add the following text boxes ' txtNote ' txtCategories ' 3. Add the following command buttons: ' cmdAdd ' cmdDelete ' cmdNotesCount ' cmdListNotes ' cmdGetNoteBody ' cmdGetNoteCategories ' cmdGetNoteID ' cmdDeleteNoteID ' cmdSetNoteIDBody ' cmdSetNoteIDCategories ' 4. Paste all the code from this example to the new form's module ' 5. Run the form. Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() Dim strBody As String Dim strCategories As String Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes strBody = Nz(Me.txtNote) If strBody <> "" Then If MsgBox("Do you want to add the note: " & vbCrLf & "'" & Left$(strBody, 50) & "'?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then strCategories = Nz(Me.txtCategories) ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook If clsOutlookNotes.AddNote(strBody, strCategories, True) Then MsgBox "Note added successfully" Else MsgBox "Note was not added" End If ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing End If Else MsgBox "Specify text for the note" Me.txtNote.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() Dim eResult As VbMsgBoxResult Dim strBody As String Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes strBody = Nz(Me.txtNote, "") If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete note(s): " & vbCrLf & "'" & strBody & "'?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then eResult = MsgBox("Delete partial matches?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ " Click 'Yes' to delete all Notes containing the text anywhere in the note." & vbCrLf & _ " Click 'No' to delete Notes that match exactly." & vbCrLf & _ " Click 'Cancel' to cancel without deleting Notes.", vbYesNoCancel) ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook Select Case eResult Case vbYes ' Delete Notes with Partial Matching clsOutlookNotes.DeleteNote strBody, True Case vbNo ' Delete Notes with Exact Match clsOutlookNotes.DeleteNote strBody, False Case vbCancel ' Don't delete Notes. End Select ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub cmdDeleteNoteID_Click() Dim lngNoteID As Long Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes lngNoteID = EnterNoteID("delete") If lngNoteID >= 0 Then ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook If clsOutlookNotes.DeleteNoteID(lngNoteID) Then MsgBox "Note successfully deleted" Else MsgBox "Note could not be deleted" End If ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub cmdGetNoteBody_Click() Dim lngNoteID As Long Dim strNote As String Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes lngNoteID = EnterNoteID("retrieve its body") If lngNoteID >= 0 Then ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook strNote = clsOutlookNotes.GetNoteIDBody(lngNoteID) MsgBox strNote ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub cmdGetNoteCategories_Click() Dim lngNoteID As Long Dim strCategories As String Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes lngNoteID = EnterNoteID("retrieve its categories") If lngNoteID >= 0 Then ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook strCategories = clsOutlookNotes.GetNoteIDCategories(lngNoteID) MsgBox strCategories ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub cmdGetNoteID_Click() Dim strNote As String Dim lngNoteID As Long Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes strNote = InputBox("Get the ID of a note containing this text (blank retrieves the first Note):") ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook lngNoteID = clsOutlookNotes.GetNoteID(strNote, True) If lngNoteID > 0 Then MsgBox "The text was found in Note: " & lngNoteID Else MsgBox "Note was not found" End If ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing End Sub Private Sub cmdListNotes_Click() Dim strFilter As String Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes Dim col As Collection Dim intCounter As Integer strFilter = InputBox("List Notes containing this text (leave blank to return all Notes):") ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook Set col = clsOutlookNotes.GetNoteList(strFilter) ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing If col.Count = 0 Then MsgBox "No Notes found." Else For intCounter = 1 To col.Count Debug.Print col(intCounter) Debug.Print "----------------------------------" Next intCounter MsgBox "Notes listed in the Immediate Window." End If End Sub Private Sub cmdNotesCount_Click() Dim strFilter As String Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes Dim lngNotes As Long strFilter = InputBox("Number of Notes containing this text (leave blank to return all Notes):") ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook lngNotes = clsOutlookNotes.GetNoteCount(strFilter) ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing MsgBox lngNotes & " Notes found" End Sub Private Sub cmdSetNoteIDBody_Click() Dim strBody As String Dim lngNoteID As Long Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes strBody = Nz(Me.txtNote) If strBody <> "" Then lngNoteID = EnterNoteID("assign the body text") If lngNoteID >= 0 Then ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook If clsOutlookNotes.SetNoteIDBody(lngNoteID, strBody) Then MsgBox "Note successfully updated" Else MsgBox "Note could not be updated" End If ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing End If Else MsgBox "Specify text for the note" Me.txtNote.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub cmdSetNoteIDCategories_Click() Dim strCategories As String Dim lngNoteID As Long Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes strCategories = Nz(Me.txtCategories) If strCategories <> "" Then lngNoteID = EnterNoteID("assign categories") If lngNoteID >= 0 Then ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook If clsOutlookNotes.SetNoteIDCategories(lngNoteID, strCategories) Then MsgBox "Note categories successfully updated" Else MsgBox "Note categories could not be updated" End If ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing End If Else MsgBox "Specify the categories for the note" Me.txtCategories.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Function EnterNoteID(strPrompt As String) As Long ' Comments: Prompt user for a note ID ' Params : strPrompt Text to display when asking for the ID number ' Returns : Note ID that was entered, 0 for none Dim lngNoteID As Long Dim clsOutlookNotes As COutlookNotes Dim lngNotes As Long Dim strReturn As String lngNoteID = 0 ' Initialize Notes class and connect to Outlook Set clsOutlookNotes = New COutlookNotes clsOutlookNotes.StartOutlook lngNotes = clsOutlookNotes.GetNoteCount() ' Clean up Set clsOutlookNotes = Nothing If lngNotes > 0 Then strReturn = InputBox("Enter the Note ID to " & strPrompt & " (between 1 and " & lngNotes & "):") If strReturn <> "" Then lngNoteID = CLng(strReturn) If (lngNoteID <= 0) Or (lngNoteID > lngNotes) Then lngNoteID = 0 MsgBox "Enter a valid ID" End If End If Else MsgBox "No notes exist" End If EnterNoteID = lngNoteID End Function Private Sub Form_Load() Const clngLeft As Long = 2250 Const clngWidth As Long = 2670 ' Setup controls With Me.txtCategories .Top = 100 .Width = 2000 .Height = 325 .Left = 100 .Value = "Red Category,Yellow Category" End With With Me.txtNote .Top = 500 .Width = 2000 .Height = 3000 .Left = 100 .Value = "FMS Test Note" End With With Me.cmdAdd .Caption = "Add note" .Top = 100 .Left = clngLeft .Width = clngWidth End With With Me.cmdDelete .Caption = "Delete Notes" .Top = 500 .Left = clngLeft .Width = clngWidth End With With Me.cmdNotesCount .Caption = "Number of Notes" .Top = 900 .Left = clngLeft .Width = clngWidth End With With Me.cmdListNotes .Caption = "List Notes" .Top = 1300 .Left = clngLeft .Width = clngWidth End With With Me.cmdGetNoteBody .Caption = "Get Note Body by ID" .Top = 1700 .Left = clngLeft .Width = clngWidth End With With Me.cmdGetNoteCategories .Caption = "Get Note Categories by ID" .Top = 2100 .Left = clngLeft .Width = clngWidth End With With Me.cmdGetNoteID .Caption = "Get NoteID" .Top = 2500 .Left = clngLeft .Width = clngWidth End With With Me.cmdDeleteNoteID .Caption = "Delete Note by ID" .Top = 2900 .Left = clngLeft .Width = clngWidth End With With Me.cmdSetNoteIDBody .Caption = "Set Note by ID" .Top = 3300 .Left = clngLeft .Width = clngWidth End With With Me.cmdSetNoteIDCategories .Caption = "Set Categories by ID" .Top = 3700 .Left = clngLeft .Width = clngWidth End With End Sub
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