Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the modFonts module. |
IsFontInstalled | Procedure | Determine if a font name is installed on the Windows Operating system. |
GetFonts | Procedure | Enumerate the fonts installed on a system, returning the list of fonts in the array. |
EnumFontFamProc | Procedure | This function should never be called directly by user code. It is used as a callback function for the Windows API EnumFontFamilies function. See the Windows SDK for more documentation on this procedure. |
ConvertScale | Procedure | Converts between pixels, twips and points. |
HeightToPoints | Procedure | Convert a font height to a font point size. The font height is measured in logical device units. Most windows API functions for dealing with fonts require the font height in logical units. This function only works correctly in the MM_TEXT mapping mode. |
PointsToHeight | Procedure | Convert a font point size to a font height. The font height is measured in logical device units. Most windows API functions for dealing with fonts require the font height in logical units. This function only works correctly in the MM_TEXT mapping mode. |
' Example of modFonts ' ' To use this example, create a new module and paste this code into it. ' Then run the procedure by putting the cursor in the procedure and pressing: ' F5 to run it, or ' F8 to step through it line-by-line (see the Debug menu for more options) Private Sub Example_modFonts() ' Comments: Example of using the modFonts module to get the collection of fonts currently installed on Windows with VBA and VB6. ' See the results in the Immediate Window. Const clngHandle As Long = 0 Dim astrFonts() As String Dim intFont As Integer ' Get all fonts on the system If GetFonts(clngHandle, astrFonts()) Then ' Fill the list box with the enumerated fonts For intFont = LBound(astrFonts) To UBound(astrFonts) Debug.Print intFont, astrFonts(intFont) Next intFont Debug.Print Debug.Print "Is Calibri font installed: " & IsFontInstalled("Calibri") Debug.Print "Is FMS font installed : " & IsFontInstalled("FMS") Debug.Print Debug.Print "ConvertScale()" Debug.Print "16 pixels is " & ConvertScale(clngHandle, 16, cvscPixels, cvscpoints) & " points." Debug.Print "HeightToPoints(): 96 logical units is " & HeightToPoints(clngHandle, 96) & " points." Debug.Print "PointsToHeight(): 12 points is " & PointsToHeight(clngHandle, 12) & " logical units." Else MsgBox "Fonts could not be retrieved" End If End Sub
The source code in Total Visual Sourcebook includes modules and classes for Microsoft Access, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), and Visual Basic
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Supports Access/Office 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007, and Visual Basic 6.0!
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Van T. Dinh, Microsoft MVP