Microsoft Access 2010New Features of Total Access Analyzer Version 14.7 for Access 2010

Thank you for making Total Access Analyzer the most popular Microsoft Access add-in program of all time. With the release of Total Access Analyzer for Microsoft Access 2019, Version 17.1, we've created an update for Total Access Analyzer for Microsoft Access 2010. Version 14.7 replaces 14.6 and includes new features and improvements based on our experiences and customer feedback.

Total Access Analyzer 2010, Version 14.7


We've made many enhancements since version 14.6:

Ribbon Documentation

Introduced with Access 2007, you can create custom ribbons for your application and/or individual forms and reports. Ribbons are defined in the UsysRibbons table as separate records in XML format. Total Access Analyzer documents each ribbon, their references to other Access objects, where ribbons are used, and unused ribbons.

Each ribbons appears in the Treeview as a separate item.

If a ribbon references another object (like a table or procedure), it appears in the cross-reference reports for those objects and on the XREF tab on the View Explorer.

Three new reports are available under Database:

  • Ribbons List
  • Ribbons XML (Landscape)
  • Ribbons XML (Portrait)

Data Macros were introduced in Access 2010. Data macros are triggers that execute when table events occur. They have logic, can update other tables, and run other data macros.

Total Access Analyzer now parses data macro code to document what they do and the objects they use. Data macros now appear on the View Explorer in a folder under its table with each data macro listed.

Three new reports are available:

  • Table Data Macro Events
  • Table Data Macro Events and Lines
  • Table Data Macro References, Sorted by Table Name

The Database Summary report add a new section for the number of data macros and data macro lines in the database.

Our SQL parser detects more references to tables, queries, fields and controls across your database objects and table alisases. References to fields or controls in subforms are also analyzed to make sure they exist.

These issues are now detected:

  • Report View with Section Format Event, for reports that allow report view and have a Format event which may not run in Report View. This can result in displaying confidential or bad data.
  • Ribbon Unused
  • Form References to Undefined Ribbons
  • Report References to Undefined Ribbons
  • Ribbon References to Undefined Macros/Functions
  • Data Macro Could Not Be Analyzed
  • Improved resolution of form and report control references to fields in subforms/subreports, expressions and undocumented objects
  • ReplicationID (GUID) fields are no longer flagged as invalid for primary keys or needing to be AutoNumber
  • Improved unused variable analysis

Additionally, previous suggestions to convert VBA string command to explicit string functions (e.g Mid$ instead of Mid) are no longer suggested.

Report List has Report Name Filter

The report list for the Main Documentation and Quick Doc, adds a text filter for report name. Type a few letters to narrow down the list of reports:

The Category column is also enabled so you can select and filter on it.

New Reports for Queries with Form Control, VBA and Procedure References

We've added two new reports for queries that reference forms and control:

  • Queries with Form Control References
  • Queries with Form References

When migrating Access databases to other platforms like SQL Server, it’s helpful to know which queries have dependencies on VBA functions and your own procedures. Total Access Analyzer has four new reports to show which queries have these dependencies:

  • Queries with Procedures
  • Queries with VBA Functions, Count
  • Queries with VBA Functions, Sorted by Query
  • Queries with VBA Functions, Sorted by Function

New Reports for Form and Report ControlSource Property

Four new reports are available to show the ControlSource of controls on forms and reports. This makes it easy to see direct field references and expressions (calculated fields) placed on your forms and reports:

  • Form ControlSource Values
  • Form ControlSource Expressions
  • Report ControlSource Values
  • Report ControlSource Expressions

New Reports for Form Combo Box/List Box and Validation

Three new reports are available to see the properties associated with Combo Box and List Box controls, and controls with validation properties:

  • Form Control Type Combo Box and List Box Properties
  • Form Control Validation Properties
  • Report Control Type Combo Box and List Box Properties

New Reports for Object XREF

Two new reports show where controls are referenced from other objects. For instance, a form may reference a control in subform, or a report referencing a value from a currently opened form’s control:

  • Control References from Forms and Reports, Sorted by Calling Object
  • Control References from Forms and Reports, Sorted by Referenced Control

Additionally, we capture module variables that reference other object like opening a form or recordset:

  • Object References by Variable, Sorted by Calling Objects

Many Reports Updated to Support Report View Filtering

Total Access Analyzer reports can be displayed in Print Preview or Report View. For Report View, you can filter the data while you view it. Some of our reports used expressions to combine fields (e.g. Object Type and Object Name) which prevented the ability to filter them. Where possible, the object type and object name are separated into their own controls so they can be filtered in Report View.

Report Sets can be Saved in a New Location

Report sets let you define multiple reports in a group for easy retrieval and printing. By default, these settings are saved in the TAA_Rep.mda database in the user’s Total Access Analyzer’s folder. You can now point to a database on a shared network drive so multiple users and machines can reference the same set of reports.

Copy the TAA_Rep.mda then point to it under Report, Options, Report Set Location tab:

In addition to Ribbons and Data Macros, the View Explorer supports resizing better and offers more features:

Datasheet Column Widths are Saved

While viewing the documentation results, if you adjust column widths, the settings are saved and applied the next time you view it. Your columns widths are similarly preserved when viewing the Search results.

Filter for Errors, Suggestions and Performance Tips Shows Reviewed Count

When viewing the list of issues (on the Errors, Suggestions and Performance tabs), you can check off the items that are Reviewed to focus on the remaining ones. The status is maintained if you document the database again. There is a Filter button to select the list by issue type. The filter shows the number of instances discovered for each type. It now shows the number you’ve reviewed and not reviewed to make it easier to select.

Issue Filter with New Reviewed and Not Reviewed Counts by Issue Type

Relationship folder has a Relationship XREF tab showing joined tables and fields

Command Bars, Property Slices tab adds a Control option to show a property value across all the controls

Quick Doc is enhanced in many ways:

  • Database now includes an overview of table and query objects along with container documentation
  • Workgroup security is now a separate item
  • When documentation is finished, the elapsed time is shown

A new [Check for Updates] button contacts our website to see if the current version of Total Access Analyzer is the latest version. You may be eligible for a free update.

The user manual and help file are updated.

New icons, larger fonts, and larger forms are used where appropriate to provide a more modern and readable user experience.

For instance, the database name on the main forms is enlarged, icons on the View Treeview updated, and the second page of the Documentation Wizard uses icons and shortened option names:

Access 2010 is the last Access version that supports ADPs which are connected directly to SQL Server databases.

Total Access Analyzer 2010 adds improved documentation of ADP tables, views, forms, reports, and other objects in ADPs.

Pricing and Microsoft Access Versions

Due to the differences within each version of Microsoft Access, there is a separate version of Total Access Analyzer for each version of Access.

Total Access Analyzer Pricing
by Microsoft Access Version
Microsoft Access Version
Licenses Price 2019/365 2016 2013 2010 2007 2003 2002 2000
Single $299 Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
5-Seat $899 Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

Upgrade Between Access Versions

Single $199 Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
5-Seat $599 Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

Update to the Latest Release within the Same Version

Update Version 17.1 16.7 15.7 14.7 12.97 11.95 10.8 9.8
Single $149 Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
5-Seat $449 Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

Premium Support Subscription

Single $299

More Information

5 Seat $999

Also available as part of

Total Access Ultimate Suite
Total Access Developer Suite

Runtime/Redistributable Version

Not Applicable

Licensing Information

Total Access Analyzer is licensed on a per user basis. Each user who runs the program must have a license.
Read the License Agreement for details.

Additional Resources

Free Product Catalog from FMS