Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the modQueriesDAO module. |
CreateNewQuery | Procedure | Saves a SQL string as a new query in the database. |
ExecuteQueryDAO | Procedure | Run a saved action query. |
ExecuteQueryParameterDAO | Procedure | Run a query that requires a parameter (the query must be an action query). |
ExecuteQueryParametersDAO | Procedure | Run a query that requires multiple parameters (the query must be an action query). |
ExecuteSQLDAO | Procedure | Runs a SQL string on any database (the SQL string must be an non-row-returning action query). |
OpenRecordsetQueryDAO | Procedure | Open a DAO recordset on a query that retrieves records (can't be an action query). |
OpenRecordsetParameterDAO | Procedure | Open a DAO recordset on a query that requires a parameter and retrieves records (can't be an action query). |
OpenRecordsetParametersDAO | Procedure | Open a DAO recordset on a query that uses multiple parameters and retrieves records (can't be an action query). |
' Example of modQueriesDAO ' ' To try this example, do the following: ' 1. Create a new user form in your project. ' 2. Create a command button 'cmdTest' ' 3. Paste this code into the form's module Private Const mcstrSample As String = "C:\Total Visual SourceBook 2013\Samples\Sample.mdb" Private Sub cmdTest_Click() Dim dbsSample As DAO.Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Dim fOK As Boolean Dim lngAffected As Long Dim astrParamNames(0 To 1) As String Dim avarParamVals(0 To 1) As Variant Dim intI As Integer On Error GoTo PROC_ERR Set dbsSample = DAO.OpenDatabase(mcstrSample) ' Example of ExecuteSQLDAO strSQL = "SELECT Customers.CustomerID, Customers.CompanyName, Customers.ContactName, Customers.ContactTitle, Customers.Address, " & _ "Customers.City, Customers.Region, Customers.PostalCode, Customers.Country, Customers.Phone, Customers.Fax " & _ "INTO FMS_TEST FROM Customers; " ExecuteSQLDAO dbsSample, strSQL ' Example of CreateNewQuery strSQL = "DELETE * FROM FMS_TEST WHERE country = 'SWEDEN'" fOK = CreateNewQuery(dbsSample, "qryFMS1", strSQL) Debug.Print "qryFMS1 created successfully " & fOK strSQL = "DELETE * FROM FMS_TEST WHERE country = [prmCountry]" fOK = CreateNewQuery(dbsSample, "qryFMS2", strSQL) Debug.Print "qryFMS2 created successfully " & fOK strSQL = "DELETE * FROM FMS_TEST WHERE country = [prmCountry1] OR country = [prmCountry2]" fOK = CreateNewQuery(dbsSample, "qryFMS3", strSQL) Debug.Print "qryFMS3 created successfully " & fOK ' Example of ExecuteQueryDAO Debug.Print "Executing qryFMS1 (testing ExecuteQueryDAO)..." lngAffected = ExecuteQueryDAO(dbsSample, "qryFMS1") Debug.Print "Rows affected: " & lngAffected ' Example of ExecuteQueryParameterDAO Debug.Print "Executing qryFMS2 (testing ExecuteQueryParameterDAO)..." lngAffected = ExecuteQueryParameterDAO(dbsSample, "qryFMS2", "prmCountry", "Germany") Debug.Print "Rows affected: " & lngAffected ' Example of ExecuteQueryParametersDAO astrParamNames(0) = "prmCountry1" avarParamVals(0) = "UK" astrParamNames(1) = "prmCountry2" avarParamVals(1) = "Spain" Debug.Print "Executing qryFMS3 (testing ExecuteQueryParametersDAO)..." lngAffected = ExecuteQueryParametersDAO(dbsSample, "qryFMS3", astrParamNames, avarParamVals) Debug.Print "Rows affected: " & lngAffected ' Example of OpenRecordsetQueryDAO strSQL = "SELECT Customers.CustomerID, Customers.CompanyName FROM Customers" If CreateNewQuery(dbsSample, "qryFMSSelect1", strSQL) Then If OpenRecordsetQueryDAO(dbsSample, "qryFMSSelect1", rst) Then Debug.Print "OpenRecordsetQueryDAO: First 2 Results for Recordset:" For intI = 1 To 2 Debug.Print " " & intI & ". " & rst![CustomerID] & " - " & rst![CompanyName] rst.MoveNext Next intI End If End If ' Example of OpenRecordsetParameterDAO strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE Customers.Country=[prmCountry]" If CreateNewQuery(dbsSample, "qryFMSSelect2", strSQL) Then If OpenRecordsetParameterDAO(dbsSample, "qryFMSSelect2", "prmCountry", "USA", rst) Then Debug.Print "OpenRecordsetParameterDAO: First Result for Recordset:" Debug.Print " 1. " & rst![CustomerID] & " - " & rst![CompanyName] End If End If ' Example of OpenRecordsetParametersDAO strSQL = strSQL & " AND Customers.Region = [prmState]" astrParamNames(0) = "prmCountry" avarParamVals(0) = "USA" astrParamNames(1) = "prmState" avarParamVals(1) = "WA" If CreateNewQuery(dbsSample, "qryFMSSelect3", strSQL) Then If OpenRecordsetParametersDAO(dbsSample, "qryFMSSelect3", astrParamNames, avarParamVals, rst) Then Debug.Print "OpenRecordsetParametersDAO: First Result for Recordset:" Debug.Print " 1. " & rst![CustomerID] & " - " & rst![CompanyName] End If End If PROC_EXIT: ' Clean up On Error Resume Next With dbsSample .Execute "DROP table FMS_TEST" .QueryDefs.Delete "qryFMS1" .QueryDefs.Delete "qryFMS2" .QueryDefs.Delete "qryFMS3" .QueryDefs.Delete "qryFMSSelect1" .QueryDefs.Delete "qryFMSSelect2" .QueryDefs.Delete "qryFMSSelect3" End With Exit Sub PROC_ERR: MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description Resume PROC_EXIT End Sub
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