Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the modStrings module. |
ArrayToString | Procedure | Convert the passed array to a delimited string. |
CaseConvert | Procedure | Convert a string to upper case, lower case, or proper case. The built-in StrConv() function accomplishes the same thing as CaseConvert. Use this function if you want to change or enhance the functionality in StrConv(). |
SmartCapitalize | Procedure | Capitalize words but not small words that are not the first word of the phrase (e.g. the, by, of, etc.). Also, handles capitalization of letters after Mc and O' (e.g. McDonald or O'Donnell). |
CleanAmpersand | Procedure | Clean strings with ampersands by doubling the characters. This is useful when placing text with an ampersand character in the caption property of a control. To avoid interpreting the & character as a hotkey indicator, this function adds an ampersand character for each ampersand. |
CleanQuotes | Procedure | Covert double-quote (") characters in a string to apostrophes ('). This is useful when using strings as SQL strings. |
ContainsAlpha | Procedure | Determine if there are alpha characters other than "-" in the supplied string. |
CountDelimitedWords | Procedure | Get the number of words in a delimited string. |
CountOccurrences | Procedure | Get the number of times a phrase exists in a string. |
CountWords | Procedure | Get the number of words separated by a variety of separators defined in WordsToArray. |
CountWordsSimple | Procedure | Get the number of words separated by spaces. |
EncloseString | Procedure | Wrap the specified string in selected characters. Useful for adding HTML tags to text. |
FillString | Procedure | Generates a string of repeated characters or strings. Unlike the built-in String function, this function allows you to generate strings of repeated strings, instead of just strings of repeated characters. |
GenRandomPassword | Procedure | Generate a random string of letters for use as a password. Optionally formulates the string so that every other character is a vowel, which makes the word easier to remember and pronounce. To avoid using easily guessed passwords, or ones which are difficult to crack with a dictionary-based password cracker program, your users should use a meaningless password. |
CreatePassword | Procedure | Create a random string of characters from a string of allowable characters with numbers and special characters. |
GetDelimitedWord | Procedure | Get word intIndex in delimited string strText. |
GetFirstWord | Procedure | Get the first word in delimited string strText and puts the rest in strRest. |
GetLastWord | Procedure | Get the last word in delimited string strText, puts the rest in strRest. |
InsertString | Procedure | Insert one string into another at the specified location. |
IsCharLetter | Procedure | Determine if the passed character is a letter (a-z, A-Z, à-ÿ, À-Þ). |
IsCharNumeric | Procedure | Determine if the passed character is numeric. |
NumberSuffix | Procedure | Convert an integer into a string with a trailing suffix. |
NumberSuffixOnly | Procedure | Get the suffix for a number. |
PadLeftString | Procedure | Left pad a string to intStrLength characters for right justification. |
PadRightString | Procedure | Right pad a string for left justification. |
StringToArray | Procedure | Use the Split function to create a one-dimensional array from a string. |
StringToCollection | Procedure | Split a string into a collection of items using the specified delimiter. |
StripChars | Procedure | Remove the specified character from a string. |
TrimNull | Procedure | Get the passed string terminated at the first null character. If there isn't a null, the entire string is returned. |
ValidateZipCode | Procedure | Validate and clean the supplied zip code. Note that this is a format check only. It doesn't check to see if the actual zip code exists. |
WordsToArray | Procedure | Get the number of words separated by a variety of separators. Expects each word to be separated by one space. Multiple spaces between words cannot be parsed by this routine. |
WordsToArraySimple | Procedure | Convert the passed string to an array of words, delimited by the specified character. |
WrapTextToArray | Procedure | Wrap the input string into an array. |
CleanNonAlphaNumeric | Procedure | Strip non-alphanumeric characters from the specified string. |
TrimSpacesTabsCrLf | Procedure | Trim leading/trailing spaces, carriage returns and line feeds. |
ReplaceLineBreaks | Procedure | In HTML files, text can be spread across multiple lines with indentations and line breaks. Eliminate breaks and combines the lines into one line with just one space where the previous line break existed. |
ExtractTextSection | Procedure | Extract a portion of the text based on beginning and end tags. This is useful for parsing sections out of an HTML file. |
ReadFile | Procedure | Read the contents of a text file. |
' Example of modStrings ' ' To use this example, create a new module and paste this code into it. ' Then run the procedure by putting the cursor in the procedure and pressing: ' F5 to run it, or ' F8 to step through it line-by-line (see the Debug menu for more options) Private Sub Example_modStrings() ' Comments: Examples using the modStrings module to perform string manipulation in VBA and VB6. ' See the results in the Immediate Window. Dim intCounter As Integer Dim intCount As Integer Dim strValue As String Dim strRemainder As String Dim strWithNullTerminator As String Dim astrValues() As String Dim varArray As Variant Dim col As New Collection ' Example of ArrayToString() ' Loads an array with the names of the tables in the current database and converts the array to a delimited string. ' It then displays the delimited string in the immeidate window. ReDim astrValues(0 To 9) astrValues(0) = "Zero" astrValues(1) = "One" astrValues(2) = "Two" astrValues(3) = "Three" astrValues(4) = "Four" astrValues(5) = "Five" astrValues(6) = "Six" astrValues(7) = "Seven" astrValues(8) = "Eight" astrValues(9) = "Nine" ' Convert the array to a delimited string strValue = ArrayToString(astrValues(), ",") ' Display the delimited string Debug.Print "ArrayToString(): returned " & strValue ' Display the delimited string Debug.Print "ArrayToString_JoinFunction(): returned " & strValue ' Example of CaseConvert() strValue = "NOW IS THE TIME" Debug.Print "CaseConvert(): input value of '" & strValue & "' with mode of 1 returned " & CaseConvert(strValue, 1) strValue = "Now Is the Time" Debug.Print "CaseConvert(): input value of '" & strValue & "' with mode of 2 returned " & CaseConvert(strValue, 2) strValue = " now is the time" Debug.Print "CaseConvert(): input value of '" & strValue & "' with mode of 3 returned " & CaseConvert(strValue, 3) ' Example of SmartCapitalize strValue = "let's invite the o'donnell and mccarthy families to dinner." Debug.Print "SmartCapitalize(): input value of '" & strValue & "'" & vbCrLf & " Returned: '" & SmartCapitalize(strValue) & "'" ' Example of CleanAmpersand(): Cleans the ampersands from the string. strValue = "R.Crumb&Associates" Debug.Print "CleanAmpersand(): input value of '" & strValue & "' returned " & CleanAmpersand(strValue) ' Example of CleanNonAlphaNumeric(): strValue = "Here's my #1 Test!" Debug.Print "CleanNonAlphaNumeric(): input value of '" & strValue & "' returned " & CleanNonAlphaNumeric(strValue, "_") ' Example of CleanQuotes(): Cleans the quotes in a string. ' This string is set to Now Is The "Time" strValue = "Now is the " & Chr$(34) & "Time" & Chr$(34) ' The results are Now Is The 'Time' Debug.Print "CleanQuotes(): input value of '" & strValue & "' returned " & CleanQuotes(strValue) ' Example of ContainsAlpha(): Ensures a string contains no letters Debug.Print "ContainsAlpha() '12s34' does " & IIf(ContainsAlpha("12s34"), " ", "not ") & "contain alpha characters." Debug.Print "ContainsAlpha() '1234' does " & IIf(ContainsAlpha("1234"), " ", "not ") & "contain alpha characters." ' Example of CountDelimitedWords(): Counts the words in the string. strValue = "now,is,the,time,for,all,good,men" ' Returns a value of 8 Debug.Print "CountDelimitedWords(): there are " & CountDelimitedWords(strValue, ",") & " words in the string '" & strValue & "'" ' Example of CountOccurrences(): Counts the occurrences of "ow" in the supplied string. strValue = "How now, brown cow" 'Returns a value of 4 Debug.Print "CountOccurrences(): there are " & CountOccurrences(strValue, "ow") & " occurrences of 'ow' in the string '" & strValue & "'" ' Example of CountWords(): Counts the number of words in a sentence strValue = "How now brown cow." Debug.Print "CountWords(): there are " & CountWords(strValue) & " words in the string '" & strValue & "'" ' Example of CountWordsSimple(): Counts the number of words in a sentence strValue = "How_now_brown_cow." Debug.Print "CountWordsSimple(): there are " & CountWordsSimple(strValue, "_") & " words in the string '" & strValue & "'" ' Example of FillString(): Creates a string of repeated characters strValue = "-" Debug.Print "FillString(): returned " & FillString(strValue, 10) ' Example of GetDelimitedWord(): Test retrieval of words from a delimited string. strValue = "Table,Query,Form,Report,Macro,Module" Debug.Print "GetDelimitedWord(): word 3 of '" & strValue & "' is: " & GetDelimitedWord(strValue, 3, ",") ' Example of GetFirstWord(): Test retrieval of the first word from a delimited string. strValue = "Table,Query,Form,Report,Macro,Module" Debug.Print "GetFirstWord(): the first word of '" & strValue & "' is " & _ GetFirstWord(strValue, strRemainder, ",") & ". The remainder of the string is " & strRemainder ' Example of GetLastWord(): Test retrieval of the last word from a delimited string. strValue = "Table,Query,Form,Report,Macro,Module" Debug.Print "GetLastWord(): the last word of '" & strValue & "' is " & _ GetLastWord(strValue, strRemainder, ",") & ". The remainder of the string is " & strRemainder ' Example of IsCharLetter() Debug.Print "IsCharLetter(): 'x' is " & IIf(IsCharLetter("x"), " ", "not ") & "a letter." Debug.Print "IsCharLetter(): '1' is " & IIf(IsCharLetter("1"), " ", "not ") & "a letter." ' Example of IsCharNumeric() Debug.Print "IsCharNumeric(): 'x' is " & IIf(IsCharNumeric("x"), " ", "not ") & "a numeric value." Debug.Print "IsCharNumeric(): '2' is " & IIf(IsCharNumeric("2"), " ", "not ") & "a numeric value." ' Example of NumberSuffix(): test retrieval of number suffixes Debug.Print "NumberSuffix(): value returned for 1 is " & NumberSuffix(1) Debug.Print "NumberSuffix(): value returned for 19 is " & NumberSuffix(19) Debug.Print "NumberSuffix(): value returned for 1234 is " & NumberSuffix(1234) Debug.Print NumberSuffix(1) ' Example of NumberSuffixOnly(): test retrieval of partial number suffixes Debug.Print "NumberSuffixOnly(): for 9, returned: " & NumberSuffixOnly(9) ' Example of PadLeftString(): Test left padding of the input string strValue = "now is the time" Debug.Print "PadLeftString(): " & PadLeftString(strValue, "X", 20) ' Example of PadRightString(): Test right-padding of a string strValue = "Now is the time" Debug.Print "PadRightString(): " & PadRightString(strValue, "X", 30) ' Example of RemoveNulls(): Test removal of null characters from a string. strWithNullTerminator = "Now is the time " & Chr$(0) Debug.Print "RemoveNulls(): returned " & TrimNull(strWithNullTerminator) ' Example of StringToArray(): Creates a delimited string of values, converts it to an array and displays the array contents in the Immediate Window. Erase astrValues ' Load a string for the StringToArray strValue = "apples,oranges,pears,kiwis,grapes,tangerines" ' Convert the string to an array using the Split Function varArray = StringToArray(strValue, ",", -1, vbTextCompare) ' Display the contents of the array Debug.Print "StringToArray(): run on '" & strValue & "' " & "returns: " For intCounter = 0 To UBound(varArray) Debug.Print varArray(intCounter) Next intCounter ' Convert the string to a collection Set col = StringToCollection(strValue, ",") ' Display the contents of the collection Debug.Print "StringToArray(): run on '" & strValue & "' " & "returns: " For intCounter = 1 To col.Count Debug.Print col(intCounter) Next intCounter ' Example of StripChars(): Test stripping of characters from a string. strValue = "Microsoft VB6 Project" Debug.Print "StripChars(): input of string of '" & strValue & "'" & " stripped of 'o' returns: " & StripChars(strValue, "o") ' Example of ValidateZipCode(): Prompts the user for a zip code and checks it. strValue = "22182" Debug.Print "ValidateZip(): input value of '" & strValue & "' returned " & ValidateZipCode(strValue) ' Example of WordsToArraySimple(): Creates a string of words, converts the string ' to an array and displays the contents of the array in the immediate window. Pass ' ' (space) as the delimiter. Erase astrValues ' Load a string. strValue = "You run VBA code by calling the Function or Sub procedure that contains the code." ' Convert the string to an array. These characters are considered separators: ,.?:;!^&*-+=|\/ and ' ' (space) intCount = WordsToArraySimple(strValue, " ", astrValues()) ' Display the contents of the array Debug.Print "WordsToArraySimple(): input string of '" & strValue & "' returns: " For intCounter = 0 To intCount - 1 Debug.Print astrValues(intCounter) Next intCounter ' Example of WordsToArray(): Creates a string of words, converts the string ' to an array and displays the contents of the array in the immediate window. ' These characters are considered separators: ,.?:;!^&*-+=|\/ and ' ' (space) Erase astrValues ' Load a string. strValue = "You/run,VBA.code?by:calling;the!Function^or&Sub*procedure-that+contains=the|code." ' Convert the string to an array intCount = WordsToArray(strValue, astrValues()) ' Display the contents of the array Debug.Print "WordsToArray(): input string of '" & strValue & "' returns: " For intCounter = 0 To intCount - 1 Debug.Print astrValues(intCounter) Next intCounter ' Example of WrapTextToArray() strValue = "This is a test of a long paragraph to demonstrate how the WrapTextToArray() function operations. This function takes a string " & _ "and word-wraps it to the passed array. You can specify the number of characters per line." ' Wrap the text to the array in lines no longer than 40 characters intCount = WrapTextToArray(strValue, 40, astrValues()) Debug.Print "WrapTextToArray(): returned " For intCounter = 0 To intCount - 1 Debug.Print " " & astrValues(intCounter) Next intCounter ' Example of InsertString() strValue = InsertString("This is a test", "better ", 10) Debug.Print "InsertString(): new string is ' " & strValue & "'" ' Example of GenRandomPassword() Debug.Print "GenRandomPassword(): returns " & GenRandomPassword(20, True) ' Example of CreatePassword Debug.Print "CreatePassword(): returns " & CreatePassword(20) ' Example of EncloseString() Debug.Print "EncloseString(): returns " & EncloseString("Customers Table", "[", "]", False); "" End Sub Private Sub Example_modStringsReadFile() ' Comments: Examples using the modStrings module to read file contents and perform string manipulation in VBA and VB6. ' See the results in the Immediate Window. Const cstrFile As String = "C:\Total Visual SourceBook 2013\Samples\sample.html" Dim strText As String Dim strTitle As String Dim strHeader As String ' Read the contents of the text file without trimming anything strText = ReadFile(cstrFile) ' Extract sections from the text file strTitle = ExtractTextSection(strText, "", " ") strHeader = ExtractTextSection(strText, "", "
") Debug.Print "Read contents of " & cstrFile Debug.Print "Title: " & strTitle Debug.Print ' The header is split over several lines so there's a way to clean it to just get the text Debug.Print "Header: " & strHeader Debug.Print Debug.Print "Cleaned: " & ReplaceLineBreaks(strHeader) End Sub
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