Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the CComputerInfo class. |
ActiveProcessorMask | Property | The mask value representing the processors in the system. The bit or bits set in the mask indicate the active processor (bit 0 is processor 0; bit 31 is processor 31). This value is 1 for most computers. A double data type is used to support 64-bit values that may exceed long. |
AllocationGranularity | Property | Get the granularity with which virtual memory is allocated. Virtual memory is always allocated in increments of the amount returned by this property. For example, allocating one byte of memory with VirtualAlloc will reserve an address space equal to the amount returned by this property. |
LowMemory | Property | Determine whether the computer is a low memory machine. |
MaxAppAddress | Property | Retrieve the highest memory address accessible to applications and DLLs. The return value is a data type double rather than long to support 64-bit environments which may have values that exceed long. |
MinAppAddress | Property | Retrieve the lowest memory address accessible to applications and DLLs. The return value is a data type double rather than long to support 64-bit environments which may have values that exceed long. |
NumberOfProcessors | Property | Get the number of processors in the system. |
PageSize | Property | Get the memory page size. |
ProcessorArchitecture | Property | Get the processor architecture value from the enmProcessorArchitecture enumerated type. |
ProcessorArchitectureName | Property | Get the processor architecture name. |
ProcessorLevel | Property | Get the system's architecture-dependent processor level. |
ProcessorRevision | Property | Get the architecture-dependent processor revision. |
ProcessorType | Property | Get the processor type ID value. |
ProcessorTypeName | Property | Get the name of the processor type. |
SlowGraphics | Property | Are the graphics slow? |
SlowMachine | Property | Is the computer is slow? |
CompareExchangeDouble | Property | Determine whether the compare and exchange double operation is available. |
FloatingPointEmulated | Property | Determine whether the floating point emulation is used. |
FloatingPointError | Property | Determine whether the Pentium floating point bug exists in this processor. |
MMXAvailable | Property | Does the processor supports MMX? MMX is a standard introduced by Intel. Sometimes called Matrix Math Extensions. |
SSEAvailable | Property | Is the Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) instruction set is available? SSE is an instruction set extension to the x86 architecture. |
SSE2Available | Property | Is the Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2) instruction set is available? SSE2 is an instruction set introduced with the Pentium 4 in 2001. |
SSE3Available | Property | Is the Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSE3) instruction set is available? SSE3 is an instruction set introduced with the IA-32 (x86) architecture in 2004. |
ThreeDNowAvailable | Property | Is the 3D-Now instruction set available? |
TimeStampCounterAvailable | Property | Is the RDTSC Time Stamp Counter instruction available? |
PhysicalAddressExtensionEnabled | Property | Is Physical Address Extension (PAE) enabled on the processor? PAE enables x86 processors to access more than 4 GB of RAM. Certain 32-bit versions of Windows Server running on x86-based systems use PAE to access up to 128GB of RAM, depending on the address size of the processor. |
DataExecutionPreventionEnabled | Property | Is Data Execution Prevention (DEP) enabled? Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a system-level memory protection feature starting with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. DEP enables the system to mark memory as non-executable so that code cannot be run from that region of memory, which minimizes the exploitation of buffer overruns. |
CompareExchange128Available | Property | Is the atomic compare and exchange 128-bit operation (cmpxchg16b) available? This is not available in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000. |
Compare64Exchange128Available | Property | Is the atomic compare 64 and exchange 128-bit operation (cmp8xchg16) available? This is not available in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000. |
ProcessorChannelsEnabled | Property | Are the processor channels enabled? |
XSaveEnabled | Property | Does the processor implement the XSAVE and XRSTOR instructions? This feature is not supported until Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. |
ARM_RegistersAvailable | Property | Is the VFP/Neon 32 x 64bit extended register bank present? |
SecondLevelAddressTranslation | Property | Is the Second Level Address Translation supported by the hardware? |
VirtualizationEnabled | Property | Is Virtualization enabled in the firmware? |
RDFSBASE_Enabled | Property | Are RDFSBASE, RDGSBASE, WRFSBASE, and WRGSBASE instructions available? |
FastFailAvailable | Property | Is FastFail available? |
ARM_DivideInstructionsAvailable | Property | Are divide instructions available? |
ARM64LoadStoreAvailable | Property | Are 64-bit load/store atomic instructions available? |
ARM_ExternalCacheAvailable | Property | Is ARM external cache available? |
ARM_FloatingPointAvailable | Property | Is ARM floating-point multiply-accumulate instruction available? |
Class_Initialize | Initialize | Initialize the system info type so that it only needs to be called once in this class. |
' Example of CComputerInfo ' ' To use this example, create a new module and paste this code into it. ' Then run the procedure by putting the cursor in the procedure and pressing: ' F5 to run it, or ' F8 to step through it line-by-line (see the Debug menu for more options) Private Sub Example_CComputerInfo() ' Comments: Example of using the CComputerInfo class to get CPU system information and processor features, in VB6 and VBA with 32 and 64 bit Windows API calls. ' Run this procedure and see the information in the Immediate Window. Dim clsComputerInfo As CComputerInfo Set clsComputerInfo = New CComputerInfo ' Show the value of each property Debug.Print "Active Processor Mask = " & clsComputerInfo.ActiveProcessorMask Debug.Print "Allocation Granularity = " & clsComputerInfo.AllocationGranularity Debug.Print "Low Memory = " & clsComputerInfo.LowMemory Debug.Print "Max App Address = " & FormatNumber(clsComputerInfo.MaxAppAddress, 0, , , vbTrue) Debug.Print "Min App Address = " & FormatNumber(clsComputerInfo.MinAppAddress, 0, , , vbTrue) Debug.Print "Processors = " & clsComputerInfo.NumberOfProcessors Debug.Print "Page Size = " & clsComputerInfo.PageSize Debug.Print "Slow Graphics = " & clsComputerInfo.SlowGraphics Debug.Print "Slow Machine = " & clsComputerInfo.SlowMachine Debug.Print Debug.Print "Processor Information:" Debug.Print "Architecture = " & clsComputerInfo.ProcessorArchitecture Debug.Print "Architecture Name = " & clsComputerInfo.ProcessorArchitectureName Debug.Print "Level = " & clsComputerInfo.ProcessorLevel Debug.Print "Revision = " & clsComputerInfo.ProcessorRevision Debug.Print "Type = " & clsComputerInfo.ProcessorType Debug.Print "Type Name = " & clsComputerInfo.ProcessorTypeName Debug.Print Debug.Print "Processor Features:" Debug.Print "Floating Point Emulated = " & clsComputerInfo.FloatingPointEmulated Debug.Print "Floating Point Error = " & clsComputerInfo.FloatingPointError Debug.Print "Compare Exchange Double = " & clsComputerInfo.CompareExchangeDouble Debug.Print "MMX = " & clsComputerInfo.MMXAvailable Debug.Print "SSE = " & clsComputerInfo.SSEAvailable Debug.Print "SSE2 = " & clsComputerInfo.SSE2Available Debug.Print "SSE3 = " & clsComputerInfo.SSE3Available Debug.Print "3-D Now = " & clsComputerInfo.ThreeDNowAvailable Debug.Print "TimeStamp Counter = " & clsComputerInfo.TimeStampCounterAvailable Debug.Print "Physical Address Extension = " & clsComputerInfo.PhysicalAddressExtensionEnabled Debug.Print "Data Execution Prevention = " & clsComputerInfo.DataExecutionPreventionEnabled Debug.Print "Compare & Exchange 128-bit = " & clsComputerInfo.CompareExchange128Available Debug.Print "Compare64 Exchange 128-bit = " & clsComputerInfo.Compare64Exchange128Available Debug.Print "Processor Channels Enabled = " & clsComputerInfo.ProcessorChannelsEnabled Debug.Print "XSAVE and XRSTOR Enabled = " & clsComputerInfo.XSaveEnabled Debug.Print "Second Level Address Trans.= " & clsComputerInfo.SecondLevelAddressTranslation Debug.Print "Virtualization Enabled = " & clsComputerInfo.VirtualizationEnabled Debug.Print "RDFSBASE, RDGSBASE Enabled = " & clsComputerInfo.RDFSBASE_Enabled Debug.Print "Is FastFail available? = " & clsComputerInfo.FastFailAvailable Debug.Print "ARM Extended Registers = " & clsComputerInfo.ARM_RegistersAvailable Debug.Print "ARM Divide Instructions = " & clsComputerInfo.ARM_DivideInstructionsAvailable Debug.Print "ARM 64-bit Load and Store = " & clsComputerInfo.ARM64LoadStoreAvailable Debug.Print "ARM External Cache = " & clsComputerInfo.ARM_ExternalCacheAvailable Debug.Print "ARM Floating Point = " & clsComputerInfo.ARM_FloatingPointAvailable Set clsComputerInfo = Nothing End Sub
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