Create and Schedule an Event

The Total Visual Agent Manager is organized with a hierarchical treeview listing of the Events, Items, and Actions on the left side of the screen:

Total Visual Agent Manager to Schedule Events and Actions

Settings specific to the selected item in the treeview are shown on the right side of the screen.

Events, Items, and Actions

An Event specifies the time that a group of scheduled activities takes place.

For each Event, add one or more Items to manage. An Item may be a Microsoft Jet database (MDB/ACCDB) or Data Access Project (ADP), a Task Group, or a directory. You may add multiple Items to an Event.

For each Item, specify one or more Actions to perform.

Event Schedule

Events can be scheduled to run Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or just once. Additionally, you can choose to run Events for every X minutes within the Hourly schedule type. Select an Event in the treeview to display its information. Choose a schedule type from the drop-down list:

Total Visual Agent Schedule Types

Hourly Schedules

If you select an Hourly schedule type, the Settings section of the form changes to display the hourly options. These options depend on the mode you choose. Using the Mode drop-down, choose whether to run the Event Once Per Hour or Every X Minutes:

Options for Hourly Schedules