Watch the televised video of Luke Chung, FMS President, on a panel discussion at the 2008 Microsoft TechEd Conference for IT Developers.
Hosted by Microsoft's Mary Chipman, the panel discusses the challenges and approaches of migrating Microsoft Access applications to SQL Server. Learn about situations where Access is appropriate, and when Access applications need to be upsized to SQL Server. The panelists share their experience with rewriting Access applications and migrating and/or replacing them with SQL Server and
Panelists include:
What it Means to Information Workers
Link Microsoft Access to SQL Azure Databases
Deploy MS Access DBs linked to SQL Azure
Monitor SQL Server Usage and DTU Limits on Azure
Convert Azure SQL Server to Elastic Pools
Database Backup and Restore on Network
SQL Server Express Editions and Downloads
SQL Server Express Automated Backups
Migrate Your Data Tier to SQL Server: Strategies for Survival
Microsoft Access Database and Migration Challenges
Are we there yet? Successfully navigating the bumpy road from Access to SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server Consulting Services
Visual Studio .NET programmers for web development
General Microsoft Access consulting services
Microsoft Access Developer Help Center
MS Access Developer Programming