Using a Macro to Create Properties for Member Variables

Provided by the FMS Development Team

While designing classes, one of the most boring tasks is to create properties for member variables. Here is a macro (more about macros here) that helps with that.


Here is the code that creates the property:

Public Sub FMS_MakeProperty()

    Dim edtrWin As Window = Nothing
    Dim prjItm As ProjectItem = Nothing
    Dim txtDoc As TextDocument = Nothing
    Dim cc As CodeElement = Nothing
    Dim cv As CodeVariable = Nothing
    Dim varName As String = String.Empty
    Dim varType As String = String.Empty
    Dim linProp As String = String.Empty

      ' get the active editor

     edtrWin = DTE.ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow

      If edtrWin Is Nothing Then
        DTE.StatusBar.Text = "No text editor open."
      End If

      prjItm = edtrWin.ProjectItem

      ' this may happen if the document is
      ' not part of the project
      If prjItm Is Nothing Then
        DTE.StatusBar.Text = "Projectitem is null !!"
      End If

      ' get the textdocument associated with this
txtDoc = prjItm.Document.Object("TextDocument")

      ' get the code element from the user location
      cc = prjItm.FileCodeModel.CodeElementFromPoint
         (txtDoc.Selection.AnchorPoint, _ vsCMElement.vsCMElementVariable)

      If cc Is Nothing Then
        DTE.StatusBar.Text = "Please position cursor on a member variable.."
      End If

      cv = CType(cc, CodeVariable)

      varName = cv.Name
      varType = cv.Type.AsFullName

      If Not DTE.UndoContext.IsOpen Then
        DTE.UndoContext.Open("FMS Inc Make property macro.")
      End If

      If prjItm.FileCodeModel.Language = _
"{B5E9BD33-6D3E-4B5D-925E-8A43B79820B4}" Then
' language is VB
        ' NOTE : change this logic to comply to your standards

        ' make the property
       linProp = "Property " + varName + "Property() As " + _

varType + System.Environment.NewLine
       linProp = linProp + "Get" + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + "Return " + varName + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + "End Get" + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + "Set" + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + varName + " = Value" + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + "End Set" + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + "End Property"

       ElseIf prjItm.FileCodeModel.Language = _
     "{B5E9BD34-6D3E-4B5D-925E-8A43B79820B4}" Then
' language is C#
        ' NOTE : change this logic to comply to your standards

        Const leftBracket As String = "{"
        Const rightBracket As String = "}"

        ' make the property
        linProp = "public " + varType + " " + varName + "Property" + _
        linProp = linProp + leftBracket + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + "get" + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + leftBracket + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + "return " + varName + ";" + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + rightBracket + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + "set" + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + leftBracket + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + varName + " = value;" + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + rightBracket + System.Environment.NewLine
        linProp = linProp + rightBracket + System.Environment.NewLine
        ' Macro works for VB and C#. It is not applicable for other languages.
        DTE.StatusBar.Text = "Not applicable to this language."
      End If


       ' store line number for later
     Dim firstPropertyLine As Integer = txtDoc.Selection.ActivePoint.Line

       ' insert string

       ' select the inserted property block to auto-format
      txtDoc.Selection.MoveToLineAndOffset(firstPropertyLine, 1, True)


      ' format selected inserted block and keep selected

    Catch e As System.Exception
      DTE.StatusBar.Text = "Macro failed.."
    End Try

  End Sub



To use this macro, just highlight the variable you want to turn in to a property ("foo" in this case) and run the macro.

  ' VB
  Dim foo As Boolean = False

  // C#
private bool foo = false;

Which becomes this code:

  ' VB
Dim foo As Boolean = False

  Property fooProperty() As System.Boolean
         Return foo
  End Get
    Set(ByVal Value As System.Boolean)
        foo = Value
    End Set
  End Property


   // C#
bool foo = false;
  public System.Boolean fooProperty
      return foo;
      foo = value;

Now this may not be the naming standard which you use for your projects, but that can be easily modified.

Additional Resources



Thank you! Thank you! I just finished reading this document, which was part of a link in the recent Buzz newsletter. I have printed it for others to read, especially those skeptical on the powers of Access and its capabilities.

Darren D.

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