"The entire tool is completely
intuitive. It's a great training tool and has excellent potential
for encouraging development standards. Total .NET SourceBook's
simple elegance is impressive."
Andy Clark, Visual Studio Magazine
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The SourceBook Code Webservice
Every time you start Total .NET SourceBook, the program automatically
connects to our unique Code WebService. The latest code, articles, and tips
are automatically downloaded to your database. Our developers are constantly
adding content to help you with .NET.

Latest Code Webservice Content
Built on .NET Technologies
The Total .NET SourceBook Code Webservice is built using .NET Webservice
technology. Using the latest techniques, we can offer new content to
SourceBook users automatically. As long as you have an Internet connection,
you can get the latest content as soon as it becomes available.
How it Works
When you start Total .NET SourceBook, the program launches a background
thread for its Webservice client. It connects to a server at FMS and
requests a list of new content as of the date you last downloaded. Once the
new list is received and parsed, it is shown in the Total .NET SourceBook
browser window. Press the [Download all new content] button and you're ready
to go. New content is downloaded and added to your database automatically.