If you’ve ever used Microsoft Access forms to enter any quantity of data, you know how tedious and time consuming it can be. If you enter data regularly, becoming familiar with data entry and navigation shortcuts can save you significant time and effort.
You’re probably aware of some of the basic shortcut keys, and hopefully use them regularly:
But there are several lesser-known accelerator shortcut keys that can simplify your typing and keep you working mouse-free. The lists below include some of the shortcuts that I find most useful, but Access offers many more shortcuts for you to take advantage of. For a list, refer to the "Keyboard Shortcuts" topic (online or in the Microsoft Access help file).
From anywhere in MS Access:
From the database window:
If you frequently find yourself using a particular menu item that doesn’t have a shortcut key, it’s a good idea to create one by customizing the toolbar.
For details, refer to the following topics online or in the Microsoft Access help file: Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Access
Remembering these shortcuts may seem like a pain, and they may even slow you down at first. If you make a conscious effort to use them, however, they will become second nature. Once you get into the practice of using these shortcuts, you’ll wonder how you ever worked productively without them.
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