Thank you for taking the time to evaluate Total Visual CodeTools! We hope that you use this Trial to discover how Total Visual CodeTools can help you create better code in less time than ever.
Total Visual CodeTools supports your coding efforts in all VB/VBA hosts, including Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) the 32-bit versions of Microsoft Office 365/Access 2024, 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, Office XP/2002, and Office 2000. Increase your productivity and take advantage of the enterprise features to make your entire development team more effective. We hope you find Total Visual CodeTools useful in your daily coding activities, for cleaning up old or inherited projects, and for delivering more robust applications.
When you install Total Visual CodeTools, the setup program creates registry entries so the Microsoft Visual Basic and Office programs can integrate it into their add-ins menu. Total Visual CodeTools installs as a "loaded" add-in. This means that whenever you start Visual Basic or the Office Visual Basic Editor, the CodeTools menu and toolbar is ready to go.
While we have designed Total Visual CodeTools to be as easy to use as possible, you should spend some time familiarizing yourself with the basics before using it. To do this, use the Online Help that comes with the product. You can access Online Help from the program by pressing [F1], or by going to your Windows Start Menu and selecting Programs, FMS, Total Visual CodeTools, Help.
This trial version is designed to provide you with the opportunity to evaluate the power of Total Visual CodeTools. It is identical to the full version of the product with the following exceptions:
To install the Trial version of Total Visual CodeTools, follow these steps.
Download the setup file (note, we do not currently support the 64-bit version of Office/Access 2010 and later):
Microsoft VBA and VB6 Versions |
Trial |
For Office/Access/VBA 2010-2024/365 (32-bit version only) For Office/Access/VBA 2000-2007 Visual Basic 6.0 |
![]() 32-bit only |
We are very interested in receiving feedback about Total Visual CodeTools. Please submit any questions or comments to our Support Team.
Supports Office/Access 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, and Visual Basic 6.0!
Also available for
Access 97
"Total Visual CodeTools is by far my favorite third-party product."
Alison Balter, Author, Conference Speaker, Instructor
Best Visual Basic Add-In
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