Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the modTableModifyDAO module. |
TableAddField | Procedure | Add a field to the table with many options. |
TableDeleteField | Procedure | Delete a field from a table. |
TableRenameField | Procedure | Rename a field in a table. |
TableFieldSetAutoNumberValue | Procedure | The autonumber value for an Access/Jet table starts at 1. This procedure sets it to a higher value and assumes the table is empty. For more information on this technique, see Microsoft Access Tip: Setting an AutoNumber Field to Start with a Number Greater than 1. |
SetFieldDefaults_AllTables | Procedure | Go through all the tables in the current database and set the default settings. |
SetFieldDefaults_OneTable | Procedure | Go through all the fields of a table and set the appropriate default settings. Assign Attachment field captions, use CheckBox to display Yes/No fields, set AllowZeroLength strings for text fields. |
TableSetSubDatasheetName | Procedure | Changes a table's SubDataSheetName property from [Auto] to [None]. [Auto] is the default setting. By changing it to [None], the speed in loading the table can be improved significantly. |
ChangeObjectPropertyDAO | Procedure | Set the property value of an object if it doesn't exist or equals a value to replace. |
SetObjectPropertyDAO | Procedure | Set the property value of an object and create it if it doesn't already exist. Used to set display type of a field, table properties, etc. |
' Example of modTableModifyDAO ' ' To use this example, create a new module and paste this code into it. ' Then run the procedure by putting the cursor in the procedure and pressing: ' F5 to run it, or ' F8 to step through it line-by-line (see the Debug menu for more options) Private Sub Example_modTableModifyDAO() ' Comments: Examples of using the modTableModifyDAO module to modify table fields and properties in VBA and VB6. Const cstrSampleDB As String = "C:\Total Visual SourceBook 2013\Samples\sample.mdb" Const cstrSampleTbl As String = "Categories" Const cstrSampleFld As String = "CategoryID" Const cstrNewField1 As String = "NewField" Const cstrNewField2 As String = "Status" Const cstrNewField3 As String = "Renamed Field" Dim strError As String Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim varValue As Variant Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef Dim fOK As Boolean Set dbs = CurrentDb Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs("tblErrorLog") fOK = TableRenameField(tdf, "Email", "EmailAddress") Set dbs = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(cstrSampleDB) ' In these examples, the message boxes when the process succeeds do not appear since the next prompt appears. ' You can uncomment them if you want confirmation after each step. ' Use TableFieldSetAutoNumberValue to set a higher new value for an AutoNumber field If MsgBox("Do you want to change the AutoNumber value for the " & cstrSampleTbl & " table?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then varValue = InputBox("New AutoNumber value (must be higher than the current new value):") If varValue <> "" Then If IsNumeric(varValue) Then If TableFieldSetAutoNumberValue(dbs, cstrSampleTbl, cstrSampleFld, CLng(varValue)) Then 'MsgBox "AutoNumber value for " & cstrSampleTbl & " changed." Else MsgBox "AutoNumber value for " & cstrSampleTbl & " could not be changed." End If End If End If End If ' Use TableFieldSetAutoNumberValue to set a higher new value for an AutoNumber field If MsgBox("Do you want to add a field to the " & cstrSampleTbl & " table?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(cstrSampleTbl) ' Add a text field fOK = TableAddField(tdf, cstrNewField1, dbText, 255, False, False, False) If fOK Then fOK = TableAddField(tdf, cstrNewField2, dbBoolean, 0, False, False, False) End If Set tdf = Nothing If fOK Then 'MsgBox "Two fields were added to " & cstrSampleTbl If MsgBox("Do you want to rename one of the fields we just added to the " & cstrSampleTbl & " table?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then fOK = TableRenameField(tdf, cstrNewField2, cstrNewField3) If fOK Then 'MsgBox "TableRenameField succeeded" Else MsgBox "TableRenameField failed" End If End If If MsgBox("Do you want to delete the fields we added to the " & cstrSampleTbl & " table?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then ' Delete the first field we added fOK = TableDeleteField(tdf, cstrNewField1) If fOK Then ' Delete the second field we added. That may or may not exist depending on whether we renamed it. ' Regardless, this routine will return True if the field isn't there. fOK = TableDeleteField(tdf, cstrNewField2) If fOK Then ' Now we'll delete the third field which may or may not exist depending on your earlier selection. fOK = TableDeleteField(tdf, cstrNewField3) End If End If End If Set tdf = Nothing Else MsgBox "TableAddField failed when adding fields to " & cstrSampleTbl End If End If ' Use TableSetSubDatasheetName to change the SubDataSheetName property for a table which can significantly improve how quickly the table loads If MsgBox("Do you want to clear the SubDataSheetName for the " & cstrSampleTbl & " table?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then strError = TableSetSubDatasheetName(dbs, cstrSampleTbl) If strError = "" Then 'MsgBox "SubDataSheetName for " & cstrSampleTbl & " cleared." Else MsgBox "SubDataSheetName for " & cstrSampleTbl & " could not be cleared: " & vbCrLf & strError End If End If ' Set the default field properties for one table: assign Attachment field captions, use CheckBox to display Yes/No fields, set AllowZeroLength strings for text fields If MsgBox("Do you want to set default field properties to your " & cstrSampleTbl & " table?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(cstrSampleTbl) strError = SetFieldDefaults_OneTable(tdf) Set tdf = Nothing If strError = "" Then 'MsgBox "SetFieldDefaults_OneTable for " & cstrSampleTbl & " succeeded." Else MsgBox "SetFieldDefaults_OneTable for " & cstrSampleTbl & " failed: " & vbCrLf & strError End If End If ' Set the default field properties for all the non-linked and non-system tables in the database If MsgBox("Do you want to set the default field properties for all your local, non-system tables in your database?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then strError = SetFieldDefaults_AllTables(dbs) If strError = "" Then 'MsgBox "SetFieldDefaults_AllTables for " & & " succeeded." Else MsgBox "SetFieldDefaults_AllTables for " & & " failed: " & vbCrLf & strError End If End If ' Clean up dbs.Close Set dbs = Nothing End Sub
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