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Thank you! Thank you! I just finished reading this document, which was part of a link in the recent Buzz newsletter. I have printed it for others to read, especially those skeptical on the powers of Access and its capabilities.

Darren D.

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February 2009

For Microsoft Access, SQL Server,
Visual Studio .NET, and VB6 Professionals

Hi Everyone!

Being in Virginia, just outside of Washington DC, we were swept up by the excitement of President Obama's inauguration. Contrary to expectations, the crowds weren't nearly as large and the traffic quite reasonable. Since my kids were off from school and no one gave me tickets to an inauguration ball, I and many locals headed out of town and watched the whole thing on TV from a warm place.

Now the real work begins, and we're pleased to play a small role in the new administration. The US State Department selected FMS to provide ASP.NET web development services.

Outside the government, we've seen a significant increase among organizations seeking to leverage their existing technologies and applications as resources get tighter and the future less predictable. If you haven't already, read my article about application development and using existing talent in these challenging times. By allocating investments to address immediate needs and improving individual productivity, we can overcome the challenges of today while positioning ourselves for the future.

One of those areas is improved communication via email which is featured in this month's issue. Discover the power of personalized emails that include data and reports, and how Total Access Emailer lets you do that very easily.

Best wishes,

Luke Chung


Taking Advantage of Emailing Microsoft Access Data and Reports

One of the most powerful ways to increase productivity is automating the distribution of personalized data to your contacts. Whether they are customers, prospects, or internal people, simplifying communications is a wonderful result of all your efforts collecting and analyzing data.

Join the discussion on my blog posting and learn how people are using our Total Access Emailer program to improve their communications, and engaging our Professional Solutions group to create custom email solutions.

Product Feature: Total Access Emailer

Total Access Emailer lets you create personalized emails to everyone on your list. Easily customize your subject and message, add data specific to each recipient, and even send them their reports. Send text or HTML message with embedded graphics. The Access 2007 version even lets you attach your Access reports as PDF files filtered for each recipient.

For more information on all our upcoming Access 2007 related products, visit Schedule for Access 2007

Excel Security Patch Prevents Pasting Data into Access
(Part 2)

Have you seen this error: The data on the Clipboard is damaged, so Microsoft Office Access can't paste it.

We covered this in last month's issue and even though Microsoft shipped a new Excel security patch, this conflict with Access remains.

We've revised our description of the problem and offer three workarounds, two which do not require removing the patch.

Online Books and Review of FMS Products

Our friend Alison Balter is a popular speaker, author, and trainer in the Microsoft Access community. She's been a user and fan of our products for many years. In her Mastering Office Access 2003 book, she wrote a whole chapter on Third Party Tools That Can Help You Get Your Job Done Effectively, where she covered many of our Access related products. This chapter, book and many others are now available online either in part of in total through Google Book Search.

Access Tip: Easily Synchronize Two Related Subforms on a Microsoft Access Form

Subforms provide a powerful way to easily see related data, especially one-to-many relationships, without writing code. Access automatically filters the data in the subform based on data in the master form. This is accomplished by setting the Link Master Fields and Link Child Fields properties of a subform.

Access Tip: Revised Access Error List with Database

Our list of all the internal Microsoft Access error numbers and error descriptions now has a database with the descriptions by Access version in a table. Use it as a reference or for your own lookups across Access versions.

FMS Professional Solutions Group

Recent Activity from our Professional Solutions Group

FMS is honored to provide custom application design and development work for the headquarters of the US State Department in Washington, DC.

The State Department is using our ASP.NET development and SQL Server database expertise to enhance one of their existing public web site which is being converted from legacy ColdFusion and Delphi technologies.

Contact us to discover how we can help your mission.

Thank you for your continued interest in FMS, Inc.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Your Friends at FMS

Access 2007 Download: Access Developer Extensions
Access Developer Extensions 2007 has been updated and is now live on


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